Managing Activity and Incident Templates

In this article we will go over how to manage your activity and incident templates and the the options available on the template management page.

NOTE: Templates are set at the Location level and can be shared among various Posts under that Location.

How to View an Existing Template

To view an existing template:

1. Hover over Settings and select Activity Templates (or Incident Templates)

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2. Select the Details icon to the left of the Template name (the icon looks like an eye)

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3. A new window will appear. Select Preview to open another window that will display what the live version of the template will look like on the web portal.

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How to Edit a Template 

To edit a Template:

1. Click the Edit Icon (the blue pencil). This will open the configuration and form builder for the selected Template..

For additional details, visit How to Create a Customized Incident Report

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How to Change a Template Status

To change the templet status:

1. The Status icon will show if the Template is active or not. Clicking this button will active or de-activate.

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For additional details, visit How to Activate and Deactivate an Existing Activity Template

How to Delete a Template

To delete a Template:

1. Select the checkbox to the far right of the Template(s) and select the Trashcan icon at the top. 

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2. Select Delete to confirm. 

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How to Copy a Template

To copy a template:

1. Select the template(s) you want to copy and then click the Copy icon next to the trash can.   2023-gt-us-img (127).png

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2. In the popup window, select Use Same Name if you would like the name of the Template to copy exactly as the original.

If you do not select Use Same Name the system will include the name of the site you are copying the Template from in the name of the Template copy. 

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3. Select the site(s) you wish to copy the Template to from the list that appears.

Note: it can be useful to copy templates to the same site you are on, if you wish to use an existing template as a base to create new ones. 

4. To finish select Copy. Once copied, Templates can be customized to each individual site without changing any other copies.

How to Attach a Post Order to a Template 

To attach a post order to a template:

Attaching a Post Order to a Template can be useful if you want to make sure guards have access to any instructions or information that will assist them in completing that report

1. To attach a Post Order, select the icon under the Post Order column.

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For additional details, visit How to Attach a Post Order to Templates. 

How to Add Notifications to a Template

To add Notifications to your Activity or Incident Reports:

1. Select the envelope icon under the Email/SMS columnThis is where you will set up when notifications will be sent and who will receive them.

For additional details, visit How to Manage Activity Template Notifications


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How to Schedule a Template

To Schedule a Template:

Scheduling Activity Templates can be useful for keeping your guards accountable and to make sure various activities like inspections happen at a specified time.

1. Click the icon under the Schedule column. 

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For additional details, visit How to Schedule Templates.

How to Control Authorizations for a Template

To to control authorizations for a template:

Authorizations allow you to control what user roles can read, edit, close, or file a report.

1. To edit Authorizations select the lock icon. 

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For additional details, visit How to Configure Template Authorizations


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