Using a Pre-defined List

In this article, we will go over some examples of how a pre-defined list is used, how to create and manage a pre-defined list, and how it can be used in the Activity Template Form Element.

Examples of How Many Pre-Defined Lists are Used

A pre-defined list can be utilized in many ways.  Some examples are:

Creating a list of Addresses for an Apartment or HOA so that an m-Post or Post User can attach a specific address to an activity.

  • 101 Main St. 
  • 102 Main St.
  • 103 Main St.
  • 104 Main St.
  • 105 Main St.
  • 106 Main St.

Creating a list of incident classifications so that an m-Post or Post User can attach a specific classification to an activity.

  • Insignificant
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • Catastrophic

Creating a list of a person's involvement in an incident type so that an m-Post or Post User can attach a person's involvement to an activity.

  • Witness
  • Victim
  • Suspect
  • Other

Some other examples of pre-defined lists many users have created include lists of colors or states to identify a vehicle and license plate, an ethnicity list to identify a suspect, and building floors and suites.

How to Create a Pre-Defined List

To create a pre-defined list:

1. Log onto your GuardTek Home Page as a Supervisor.

2. From the GuardTek dashboard select the property location drop-down menu at the upper right-hand corner to verify or select the desired property location.

3. Hover over the Settings module to access the drop-down menu and click on Pre-defined Lists

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4. On the Pre-defined List Page click the green Add a Pre-defined List.

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5.  Click the Name field and the give the pre-defined list you are creating an appropriately descriptive name.

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NOTE: * How and when to use the Automatic scoring list option next to the name filed is discussed in the Resource Center article: How to Manage the Automatic Scoring List

6. Edit List Items

There are 2 options for creating a pre-defined list. 

          Option 1: Click in the Item field, add a list item and click the green + in the far right Actions column and continue to add as many items to the list as desired, or use the Tip: Use the ENTER                key to save this item.

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As the Items are added to the list  you will also have the option to reposition the list order by  clicking on the following icons in the Actions column:

2023-gt-us-img (191).png =  Move the item to the very top of the list.

2023-gt-us-img (173).png   = Move the item one position up on the list.

2023-gt-us-img (172).png   = Move the item one position down on the list.

2023-gt-us-img (192).png  = Move the item to the very bottom of the list.

You also can click on the gray grid icon to the left of the item and drag and drop the item into the desired position on the list. 

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6. Edit List Items

          Option 2: Click the green clipboard icon and upload a CVS file (Comma Separated Value). 

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(When you hover over the clipboard icon you will get the pop-up message. "Click here to paste items from the clipboard")

When you click the green clipboard icon you will get a pop-up box that allows you to cut-n-paste a list from an existing CSV file:

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NOTE: When uploading an existing CSV file there is also the option to click the "Ignore Separator" checkbox if the CSV (Comma Separated Value) file.

For more information on how to edit a Comma Separated Value file click here.

7. For more information on using the Interface Code field and an API Identifier please contact your Customer Success Manager.

8. Once the list has been added click the green SAVE button. 

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You will get a green pop-up box that lets you know "The list has been saved successfully":

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Managing Options for a Pre-Defined List

To manage a pre-defined list:

1. Log onto your GuardTek Home Page as a Supervisor.

2. From the GuardTek dashboard select the property location drop-down menu at the upper right-hand corner to verify or select the desired property location.

3. Hover over the Settings module to access the drop-down menu and click on Pre-defined Lists

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4. On the Pre-defined List Page you will have 5 options to manage your pre-defined list(s):

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1. The pre-defined lists will appear in alpha-numeric order by the names you created. 

When you have a lot of pre-defined lists you can search through multiple pages by using the single forward and back arrows or forward to the last page and back to the first page by using the double forward and back arrows.

2. The Status column will display a green check-mark in the circle when a pre-defined list is active.  You can click the green check-mark and make the pre-defined list inactive.  An inactive pre-defined list will be displayed as a red circle with an X:

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3.  To copy a pre-defined list to another property location (1) click the checkbox in the Copy column and then (2) click the green duplicate icon in the Copy column header:

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This will give you a pop-up box with copy options:

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Copy option 1 = a toggle to Keep the same name for the list which will copy the Name exactly for (Yes) or pre-fix the name of the site where the list was copied from (No).

Copy option 2 = click in the Select destination sites field to access the drop-down of all property locations and select a single property location to add the pre-defined list to.

Copy option 3 = click the All option under the Select destination sites field to add the pre-defined list to all property locations.  You will have the option to select individual property locations from the list by clicking the gray X at the left of the property location:

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You can also select None to empty the Select destination site field and start over.

Copy option 4 = Once the pre-defined list is copied to the desired other property locations you can select Enter to save the edits or Cancel to start over.

4. To manage an exiting list click the green pencil Edit icon.  This will access the pre-defined list and give you the ability to change an item name, identifier, and use manage the list with the Actions column options:

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5.  To delete a pre-defined list click the checkbox and then click the green trashcan icon in the header:

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NOTE: If instead of a checkbox in the green trash can column there is a red circle X, this means the pre-defined list is in use at least one property location and cannot be deleted unless it is removed from that Activity Template. 

If you click on the red circle X you will get the error message:

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You can click on the individual Activity Template link and a preview pop-up box will show you the pre-defined list on that Activity Template.


How to Use a Pre-defined List in an Activity Template Form Element

For a review of how to create an Activity Template with a Form Element please click the link to the Resource Center article here: How Build an Activity template with Form Elements

The Pre-defined List Form Element:

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Once in the Pre-defined List Form Element group, you can (1) click the drop-down menu to select the desired pre-defined list:

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or (2) click on the green pencil icon and in the Edit Form Element pop-up box click the drop-down menu to select the pre-defined list:

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Once the property location has been selected, click ENTER at the bottom right-hand corner.

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