Scheduling Activity Templates

In this article we will go over how to schedule an activity template.

Scheduling Activity Templates can be useful for keeping your guards accountable and to make sure various activities like inspections happen at specified time(s). 

NOTE: Incident Templates cannot be scheduled.

  • How to Schedule an Activity Template

How to Schedule an Activity Template

To schedule an activity template:

1. Hover over Settings and click  Activity Templates.

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2. Find the appropriate Activity Template and select on the calendar icon in the Schedule column. 

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3. Set the Start Date and End Date

NOTE: Reports can be scheduled for a maximum of 3 years in advance.

4. Select the Frequency of when the Template will be due

5. In the Hour section, enter the exact time you want the report to be scheduled, using 24-hour time format. When finished, click Add

The time you entered will appear in a new table below the text box you typed it in. If needed, you can add additional times in order to schedule the Template for multiple occurrences in a day.  

 6. Click Enter to save your changes.  

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