In this article, we will go over what a Form Element is, how to build an Activity Template with the available Form Elements, explain what the Form Element options are, and how they appear and are used in the m-Post App for Android and in the GuardTek desktop Post version.
- What is a Form Element?
- How to Build an Activity Template with Form Elements
- Each Form Element Explained
- How an m-Post User and Post User Interact with Each Form Element
- Checkbox
- Date
- Time
- Image
- Label
- List
- Number
- Multi-line text field
- Radio List
- Signature
- Single-line text field
- Yes / No
- GPS fix
- Upload picture
- Pre-defined list
What is a Form Element?
A Form Element is a specific function that you can have the officer add while reporting an activity or incident. You can make these specific functions optional or mandatory for the reporting officer.
Form Elements
For example: Let's say you are setting up a new apartment contract and the property manager would like your team to accept, hold and distribute delivered packages for residents so they are not left on their common area porch during the day.
Rather than an Activity Template simply named, Package Delivery, you can add Form Elements that allow you to require the officer to take a photo of the package, have the resident sign for the package, and answer questions about the condition of the package and more.
How to Build an Activity Template with Form Elements
1. Log onto your Guardtek Home Page as a Supervisor.
2. From the GuardTek dashboard select the property location drop-down menu at the upper right-hand corner to verify or select the desired property location.
3. Hover over the Settings module to access the drop-down menu and click on Activity Templates.
4. On the Activity Template home page, click the blue ADD AN ACTIVITY TEMPLATE button at the upper right-hand corner:
This will take you to the Template Details Form Builder Page.
5. Name the Activity Template in the Form Name field and you also have the option to give an overview of the Activity Template by adding it in the Description field.
6. Drag and drop the desired Form Elements from the Form Elements list to the New Group.
As you drag the Form Element form the list at the right side to the New Group there will be a light green field that populates for you to place the Form Element into.
NOTE: You can place the Form Elements in any desired order.
NOTE: As you add each Form Element you will also be able to click on the Mobile Preview icon to see what an m-Post User will see.
7. Edit the Form Element. For a detailed explanation of each Form Element and its editing options please see the Form Elements Explained sub-heading below.
8. Once all the desired Form Elements have been added to the New Group, click the blue SAVE FORM button at the top right-hand corner of the Form Builder page.
NOTE: If you selected the "Image" Form Element and did not upload an image in the editing process you will get an error message that will require you to upload an image before the New Group can be saved.
Each Form Element Explained
When an m-Post User or desktop Post User is creating an Activity in Reports you can add custom Form Elements to the Activity for quick officer reporting options with the most desired detail as possible.
In this section, we will go over what each Form Element is, how it can be edited, and how it is viewed and used by an m-Post Android User, and how it is viewed and used by a GuardTek desktop Post version User.
The 16 Form Elements Options:
Once each Form Element is in the New Group, click the settings icon (3 green vertical dots) which will enable the 3 editing options.
The green Duplicate icon allows you to copy the Form Element.
The green trashcan icon allows you to delete the Form Element from the Group.
The green pencil icon allows you to set up and edit the Form Element.
NOTE: The 3 options that can be set up in the Form Element are denoted by 3 quick view icons at the left side which are grayed out indicating they are not set up.
Click the Edit (green pencil) icon to manage the Form Element:
The Question box will default to the name of that specific Form Element. Click in the field and add the question or direction you want the User to simply acknowledge the specific Activity in Reports by checking a box.
The Mandatory checkbox will turn the Form Element red in m-Post, indicating that the checkbox must be checked before the user can save the activity in reports.
Clicking the Mandatory checkbox will place a check-mark in a green field and the asterisk icon will go from gray to red.
The Contains Personal Data checkbox allows you to specify if the Form Element contains personal data.
If the Form Element contains personal data and you click the Contains Personal Data checkbox, it will place a check-mark in the checkbox and the officer badge icon will go from gray to black.
You can also specify how long you want the system to retain such personal data in months. You can click the "Retain data for" field and manually type in the number of months or click the up and down arrows to make your selection.
The Additional info checkbox. Clicking the "Additional info" checkbox will place a check-mark in the checkbox and the bookmark icon will go from gray to black.
When the Additional info checkbox is selected the data collected in that Form Element will be included in the "Additional Info" column in the Logbook.
ADVANCED SETTINGS. For more information on the ADVANCED SETTINGS drop-down option and an API Identifier please contact your Customer Success Manager.
Once the sections have been made click ENTER at the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up box.
How an m-Post User and Post User Interact with Each Form Element
The Checkbox (1) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android, the User will tap the Checkbox field.
The User will then tap the empty checkbox and a blue check-mark will appear. The User will then tap SET button and have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the Checkbox header will turn green indicating the Checkbox Form Element has been completed.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Checkbox Form Element, the circle will appear red and switch to green only after the Checkbox has been checked and submitted by tapping SET.
In GuardTek desktop Post version, the Checkbox is a Yes / No toggle. The User will simply click on the desired answer.
A GuardTek desktop Post version User will be able to add a Photo and or Video to an Activity Template by clicking the green gallery icon and attach a Photo and or Video from the file browser.
The Date (2) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android, the User will tap the "Date" Form Element.
m-Post will default to the current date, however the user can scroll up and down through the Month, Day, and Year columns if they need to change the Date.
The User will then tap SET button and have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the Date header will turn green indicating the Date has been added.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Date Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green only after the Date has been added.
In the GuardTek desktop Post version, the Date Field will be blank.
Click the green calendar icon.
Select the Date by clicking on the day in the pop-up calendar or click the green Today button at the bottom left.
Use the back and forward arrows in the calendar header to change the month and year.
The Time (3) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android, the User will tap the "Time" Form Element.
On the m-Post App for Android, the Time will default to the current time.
If the Time needs to be adjusted the User can tap the Hour + or - to adjust the hour, tap the Minute + or - to adjust the minute, and tap the AM PM button to switch between AM and PM.
The User will then tap SET button and have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the Time header will turn green indicating the Time has been added.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Time Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green only once the Time has been added.
In the GuardTek desktop Post version, the Time will simply be a box that must be manually populated in the hh:mm format using a 24-hour time format.
The Image (4) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android, the User will tap the "Image" Form Element.
The Image will display and the User can highlight areas of the image by drawing with their finger or stylus on the m-Post app.
Once the desired highlights have been made the officer will tap the SET button and have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the Image header will turn green indicating the Image has been highlighted.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Image Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once the Image has been highlighted and Done is selected.
In the GuardTek desktop Post version the User can click and drag the cursor to highlight something specific on the image.
There are 3 additional editing options while using the Image as a canvas to highlight:
Click on the Eraser icon = to clear all highlights made.
Click on the Undo icon = to undo the last highlight made.
Click on the Redo icon = to restore a highlight that had been undone.
The Label (5) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the officer will see the "Label" (or whatever you have named it) as a place holder. No action is required.
In the GuardTek desktop Post version, the User will see the "Label" (or whatever you have named it) as a place holder only.
The List (6) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android, the User will tap the List field to access the List of Values.
Once a selection is made the User will have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
NOTE: If the List of Values is long the m-Post User will be able to scroll up and down through the list.
The gray circle to the left of the List header will turn green indicating that a selection from the list has been made.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the List Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once a selection from the list has been.
On the GuardTek desktop Post version, the List of Values will appear as a dropdown.
NOTE: For longer lists, you can use the search field and type in the name of a specific value.
Click on the desired value.
A GuardTek desktop Post version User will be able to add a Photo and or Video to an Activity Template by clicking the green gallery icon and attach a Photo and or Video from the file browser.
The Number (7) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the User will tap the Number field and add a Number.
Once a Number has been added tap SAVE button and the User have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the List header will turn green indicating that a Number has been added.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the List Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once a Number has been added.
In GuardTek desktop Post version, the Number Field will appear as a blank field.
To add a number value click on the filed and type in the number.
An GuardTek desktop Post version User will be able to add a Photo and or Video to an Activity Template by clicking the green gallery icon and attach a Photo and or Video from the file browser.
The Multi-line text field (8) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the User will tap the Multi-line text field (or what ever you have named it). This will automatically access the qwerty key pad.
The User will type in the text and tap SAVE button and have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the List header will turn green indicating that text has been added.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the List Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once text has been added.
In GuardTek desktop Post version, the Multi-line text field will appear as a larger field box that you can click on to add multiple lines of text in.
NOTE: Rich Text can restrict exporting data to CSV files therefore it is recommend not to use this option. For more information on the setting up or deleting the rich text option please contact your Customer Success Manager.
A GuardTek desktop Post version User will be able to add a Photo and or Video to an Activity Template by clicking the green gallery icon and attach a Photo and or Video from the file browser.
The Radio List (9) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the User will tap the Radio List field to access the List of Values.
NOTE: If the List of Values is long the m-Post User will be able to scroll up and down through the list.
The User will make a selection.
Once a selection is made the User will have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the List header will turn green indicating that a selection form the list has been.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Radio List Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once the a selection from the list has been.
In GuardTek desktop Post version, the Radio List will be a drop-down menu to select the desired option.
An GuardTek desktop Post version User will be able to add a Photo and or Video to an Activity Template by clicking the green gallery icon and attach a Photo and or Video from the file browser.
The Signature (10) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the officer will tap the Signature field. This open a Signature box that allows a User to use their finger or stylus to digitally sign the activity report.
Once the signature has been added the officer will then tap the SET button and have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the Signature header will turn green indicating a Signature was added.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Signature Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once the Signature is added.
In GuardTek desktop Post version, the Signature field will appear as a blank field box. Click on the field and use the cursor to digital sign the activity report.
There are 3 additional editing options while using the Signature field as a desktop Post User:
Click on the Eraser icon = to clear the Signature.
Click on the Undo icon = to undo the Signature.
Click on the Redo icon = to restore a Signature that had been undone.
The Single-line text field (11) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the User will tap the Single-line text field (or what ever you have named it). This will automatically access the qwerty key pad.
The officer will type in the brief single line of text and tap SAVE button and have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the Single-line text field header will turn green indicating the text was added.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Single-line text field Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once the text is added.
In GuardTek desktop Post version, the Single-line text field will appear as a blank single line field box.
NOTE: Rich Text can restrict exporting data to CSV files therefore it is recommend not to use this option. For more information on the setting up or deleting the rich text option please contact your Customer Success Manager.
A GuardTek desktop Post version User will be able to add a Photo and or Video to an Activity Template by clicking the green gallery icon and attach a Photo and or Video from the file browser.
The Yes / No (12) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the user will tap the Yes / No text field (or what ever you have set the yes / no question as).
The User will toggle to Yes or No and tap SET button and have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the Yes / No header will turn green indicating Yes or No was selected.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Yes / No Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green only once Yes or No has been selected.
In GuardTek desktop Post version the Yes / No Form Element will be a Yes / No toggle option.
An GuardTek desktop Post version User will be able to add a Photo and or Video to an Activity Template by clicking the green gallery icon and attach a Photo and or Video from the file browser.
The GPS fix (13) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the officer will tap the GPS fix field and tap SET button and have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the GPS fix header will turn green indicating the GPS fix Form Element has been completed.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the GPS fix Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once the GPS fix has been set.
In the GuardTek desktop Post version, the GPS fix is not an option.
The Upload picture (14) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the User will tap the Upload picture field which will open device camera.
Once the User takes a photo the thumbnail photo will appear in the Upload picture field and will allow the User to add video.
The gray circle to the left of the Upload Photo header will turn green indicating a picture(s) has been taken and added.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Upload picture Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once a picture(s) has been taken and added.
An GuardTek desktop Post version User will be able to add a Photo and or Video to an Activity Template by clicking the green gallery icon and attach a Photo and or Video from the file browser.
The Email (15) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the User will tap the Email field and use the qwerty keypad to type in the email address.
If the wrong email is entered the User can hit the CANCEL button and enter another email address.
NOTE: As the User types in the email address the underscore will be red until a correctly formatted email in typed in, then the underscore will turn green.
Once the email address is correctly added the user will tap SAVE button and have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the Email header will turn green indicating the Email has been added.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Email Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once the Email has been added.
In GuardTek desktop Post version, the Email filed will be an empty and identified by the @ symbol.
An GuardTek desktop Post version User will be able to add a Photo and or Video to an email Activity Template by clicking the green gallery icon and attach a Photo and or Video from the file browser.
NOTE: The recipient will receive the email only once the activity is closed. They will not receive the email report if the activity is pending.
The Pre-defined List (16) Form Element
On the m-Post App for Android the User will tap the Pre-defined List field and select an option from the list.
Once the option from the Pre-defined List has been selected the User will have the option to add a Photo and or Video.
The gray circle to the left of the Pre-defined List header will turn green indicating a selection from the Pre-defined List has been made.
If "Mandatory" was selected when creating the Pre-defined List Form Element the circle will appear red and switch to green once the selection from the Pre-defined List has been made.
In GuardTek desktop Post version, the Pre-defined List will display by clicking the drop-down menu arrow at the right hand side of the Pre-defined List field.
An GuardTek desktop Post version User will be able to add a Photo and or Video to an Activity Template by clicking the green gallery icon and attach a Photo and or Video from the file browser.