Viewing the Automatic Scoring of a Pre-Defined List

In this article, we will go over how to view the Automatic Scoring of a Pre-defined list in the logbook. 

NOTE: To review how to create a pre-defined list please click the link to the Resource Center article How to Create and Manage a Pre-defined List  or how to edit an existing pre-defined list How to Manage the Automatic Scoring Option of a Pre-Defined List

How to View the Automatic Scoring of a Pre-Defined Lists

To view the Automatic scoring of a pre-defined list:

1. Log onto your Guardtek Home Page as a Supervisor.

2. From the GuardTek dashboard select the property location drop-down menu at the upper right-hand corner to verify or select the desired property location.

3. Hover over the Logbook module to access the drop-down menu and click on Logbook.

2023-gt-us-img (204).png

4.  Click on the Pre-Defined list name in the Activity column:

2023-gt-us-img (203).png

NOTE:  For a review of using Report Filters to find a pre-defined list quicker and easier please see the Resource Center article:  How to View Activity in the Logbook

5. The Report Scoring will indicate Pass, Fail or NA (or whatever you renamed them) based on the Score and what the Threshold was set at:

In this example the Threshold was set to 90% but only Scored 75% so it failed: 

2023-gt-us-img (205).png

6. To exit the view box click scroll to the bottom of the box and click the green CLOSE button then click the gray X at the top right hand corner of the pop-up box. 


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