Managing Activity Template Notifications

In this article, we will go over how to edit and add Activity Template Notifications for each individual notification and how to edit and add Activity Template Notifications Globally (for all notifications at a location).

How To Add a New Activity Template Notifications Individually 

To manage the Activity Template Notifications individually:

1. Log onto your Guardtek web portal as a Supervisor.

2. Hover over the Settings Module and click Activity Templates:

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 3. On the Activity Template page, all Activity Templates for that Location will display.  Find the Report Name and click the envelope icon in the corresponding Email/SMS column.

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4. In the Setup notifications pop-up box, click the green Add new box.

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5. Click the Event field which will create a drop-down of all the triggering events for a notification. 

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6. You can choose one or multiple events that may trigger this notification.

NOTE: On the right-hand side of the Event field there is the option to choose All or None.  You may select All, to select all event options or None, to reset.

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Individual Activity Template Trigger Events Defined

Report sent to "Pending Reports" - When a user completes this report and selects the "Submit for follow up" option they are putting it into Pending Reports and the recipient will be notified.

Pending Report Updated - When the user goes into the pending report and makes any changes to it the recipient will be notified.

Report Completed - When the report is completed, either by the user selecting "close the report" or when a Pending Reports is closed, the recipient will be notified.

Scheduled Activity Report overdue - When the Scheduled Activity Template is set to be done at a specific time and that time is passed without the report being completed the recipient will be notified.

Time "Pending Report" exceeded - When a report has been pending for longer than the maximum number of days, the recipient will be notified.

7. Select the type of Recipient you want to receive the Notification in the Recipient is drop-down.


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NOTE: There are 3 different types of User Recipients that can be set up to receive the triggered Notifications. The default recipient is GuardTek User (select user below).

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GuardTek User - is a registered user on your platform (Supervisors, Officers, Clients, etc.).

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Employee -  Can be a Tenant/Employee or Contact that is typically set up under the Visitors module.  The employee option is typically used for those that need to be notified of certain triggers but that don't need access to Guardtek.  For example, a maintenance employee of a building.

Other Contact - Can also be used for those that need to be notified of certain triggers but that don't need access to the Guardtek web portal such as vendors or clients.

8. Select a Notification User Recipient from the Recipient is options.

If you are setting up an existing Guardtek User, you do not have to click on the Recipient is drop-down and can bypass to Step 9.

If the Notification User Recipient you are setting up is an employee (see definition above), click the Recipient is drop-down and select Employee.

If the Notification User recipient you are setting up is another contact (see definition above), click the Recipient is drop-down and select Other Contact.

If the Other Contact is not listed you can click -- Contact Details -- and the box will expand and allow you manually add their Last Name, First Name, Company, and Email:

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9. After selecting a GuardTek User, Employee, or Other Contact, click on the Recipient's Address field and select the User Recipient you want to receive the Tour Notification(s) for.

NOTE: The User Recipient names appear in Alphabetical order according to the Last Name on the left-hand side of the drop-down. 

For large lists of User Recipients, you can click the search field and type in a recipient by either first or last name.

10. If the User Recipient has already been set up with an email or phone number for SMS and was selected in the Recipient's Address field, then the field in the box to the right of Type of Notification should populate automatically. 

If it does not, click the Type of Notification drop-down and the selection will show. 

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NOTE: Some Notifications are not available as SMS (text) or Voice (recipient receives an automated call) options and will not appear in the drop-down. If an Event has not been chosen yet the drop-down will be a blank blue box. 


11. The Email Subject Line field will automatically default to an email subject line consisting of a combination of the Report name, Report's Reference, and the Security Post.  You can and type in the desired Email Subject Line for the recipient.  It should be something clear and concise as to what the email contains. 

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By clicking in the blank space for this field you can select other variables from the report to display in the subject line of the email notification.

12.  If the Activity Template Notification Recipient is set up as desired, click the green Save button at the lower right-hand side. 

The Activity Template Notification fields will be cleared to add additional Notification trigger Events and additional Recipients. 

The Activity Template Notification just saved will be displayed just below and its status can be disabled on enabled by clicking the check-mark in a green circle icon or red x in a circle icon or it can be edited by clicking the green pencil icon. 

How to Set Conditions / Set Rules

13. (Optional) If you want to filter out or limit the number of notifications a recipient gets you can toggle the Set Conditions to Yes.

This will open additional fields to set filter and limitation rules for based on answers given in the report.

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To add a rule for a Notification that Match ANY of the following rules:

13.1. Click on the Question field drop-down. 

NOTE: The question will be specific to the Activity Type you are creating the Notification for. 

13.2. Select the Question and then click the Is drop-down menu and select Equals To or Not Equals To.

13.3. The rule will either be a Yes / No toggle or a drop-down field with multiple options to create the rule.  Select the appropriate option.

13.4. To add additional rules click on the + to the far right.  To delete a rule click the - to the far right.

Once all the rules are added under the Match ANY of the following rules, it is important to note that if ANY of the rules are triggered a notification will be triggered. 

13.5. If no further notifications to match ALL rules are to be created and all the rules are set as desired, click the green Save button at the lower right-hand side. 

To add a rule for a Notification that Match ALL of the following rules:

13.6. Click on the Question field drop-down. 

NOTE: The question will be specific to the Activity Type you are creating the Notification for. 

13.7. Select the Question and then click the Is drop-down menu and select Equals To or Not Equals To.

13.8. The rule will either be a Yes / No toggle or a drop-down field with multiple options to create the rule.  Select the appropriate option.

13.9. To add additional rules click on the + to the far right.  To delete a rule click the - to the far right.

Once all the rules are added under the Match ALL of the following rules, it is important to note that only if ALL of the rules created here are triggered will a notification be triggered. 

13.10. Once the rules are set as desired, click the green Save button at the lower right-hand side. 


How To Add an Activity Template Notifications Globally

To add an Activity Template for all Event Notifications at a Location:

1. Log onto your Guardtek web portal as a Supervisor.

2. Hover over the Settings Module and click Activity Templates:

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 3. On the Activity Template page, all Activity Templates for that Location will display.  Click the green envelope icon in the Email/SMS column header. 2023-gt-us-img (145).png

4. Clicking the green envelope icon in the Email/SMS column header will apply the Notifications to all the Activity Templates (Globally).

5. Follow steps 4 - 12 above.

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