2021.03 | Ease of Use, Various Fixes

This release focuses on a combination of mobile improvements, some TLM improvements and more ease of use for our customers.


Feature/Application Details
Smartforce Ease of Use Enhancements The team has been working over the last few releases on ease of use, and making enhancements to user interface and experience:


  • “Check Shift” Filter: You can now filter the schedule in TLM for any employees with a punch exception (e.g., a missed punch), which will display an asterisk (*) on the shift.
  • New Schedule Broadcasting Rules: Users now have the ability to either broadcast schedules via Email, SMS/Text, or both. SMS is a separately licensed feature, but all clients will have Email available to them.
  • Payroll and Billing Adjustment Screens: We have matched up the payroll and billing adjustments screens with our legacy platform as well as the TLM module, for ease of use.
  • theEMPLOYEEapp Connectivity: We now have a button in theEMPLOYEEapp to access Valiant Mobile for those clients using both – this will allow seamless connectivity in moving from one app to the other.

Various Fixes and Updates
We also made a few fixes to known issues to further enhance the product, including:


  • Fix an error being displayed when running GL export in Smartforce
  • Allow users with “EmployeePayrollAccrualManagement” role to edit accrual Basis Date
  • Improved validation of date fields with FBA integration to reject dates that include timestamps
  • “Employee Count” KPI has been renamed “Active Employees” and updated to calculate total active employees by unique SSN.
  • Clearer Valiant Mobile App exception handling when displaying Paystub and enable re-download of Paystub
  • Plus various other fixes – you can refer to the official release notes for more details
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