2021.02 | Billing Updates, End of Quarter Compliance

This release focuses on making more updates to TLM and Billing, along with a few changes and fixes for usability.


Feature/Application Details
Smartforce Ease of Use Enhancements We continue to push out a few enhancements all designed to increase usability and the user experience. Here is a summary of new updates:


  • Department Security Filters: We’ve adjusted the filters so that it limits access to customers and employees, according to the defined hierarchy of access
  • TLM Schedule Fixes: We added the ability to sort customers by name or search when using the multi-shift feature on the schedule “Quick Create”. We also made it easier to manage changing shift times when the shift crosses over days (it always assumes that the shift starts on the original start day and is less than 24 hours long)
  • TLM UI Updates: We fixed an issue where the cell ellipses disappear in some instances and made it so the “next and prior week” arrows still function when the schedule is scrolled down past the top header.

TLM Billing Module Improvements
We have continued our polishing up for the Billing module with a few additional fixes:


  • We fixed an issue where the invoices sometimes will not render completely
  • Made a fix that ensure the notes in the Billing Exception and Confirm Detail appear on the invoices (if the “add notes to invoice” is checked). We allow notes to be entered for any Payroll Exceptions.
  • We fixed the error that showed “unable to evaluate page data” when navigating to another page when starting a background job.

End of Quarter Compliance
As we approach the end of Q1, we made important compliance changes to the system, including:


  • Implementing the Mastertax periodic file for Q1, using their new format (CTS format is no longer valid)
  • Made compliance fixes for the 2021 Form 941 around third-arty sick pay and the calculation of Box 7

Various Fixes and Updates
We also made a few fixes to known issues to further enhance the product, including:


  • Fix issue with permanent shifts not being copied into future weeks when creating multi shift in TLM Schedule
  • Fix issue with removing an open shift from a schedule sometimes resulting in an error and/or the shift appearing in a prior day
  • Fix issue with billing calculation not selecting correct date range due to bad modify date filter
  • Fix issue where Employee and Earning Type fields are not displayed after payroll adjustment import file is uploaded
  • Implement Regular Rates functionality in Smartforce, add Reason field to Regular Rates in Legacy and include Reason in pay rates history records
  • Update Merrill-Lynch import format to set 401K percent deduction code based on payroll ID
  • Fix creation of a shift in New Shift so hierarchy (BU/Cust/Loc/Pos) context is respected (i.e.: populated per where shift is being created)
  • Fix error when attempting to remove employee from Shift
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