In this article, we will go over how to add a new User, the general information and options you can add to their User profile, some examples, and adding user privileges.
How to Add a New User
To add a new User:
1. Log onto the GuardTek web page as a Supervisor.
2. Hover over the Settings module and click Users.
3. Click the green Add A User button on the bottom right-hand corner.
Once you click the Add A User button on the bottom right-hand corner, the first section of the pop-up box will be:
General Information

4. Select the User Role and enter their information below.
5. Enter their First and Last Name.
6. Optional: To attach a photo, select the graphic and navigate to the picture using File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac).
7. When possible, add the User's Email and Phone Number.
- The email and/or phone number will be required to set up Notifications for this user.
- When adding the phone number, it must be formatted with the country code first and no dashes or parentheses. Example: 12125551234
8. Create a Username.
- Remember that this is permanent and cannot be changed in the future.
Usernames must be unique. A best practice is to make usernames specific to your company, like adding a prefix or suffix to help create a unique username
- Example: or JDoe.GT
9. Create a Password.
- By default, the password must be eight characters long.
- Users will be prompted to update their password when they log in for the first time.
10. Optional: Select the appropriate Permission Level for the user.
GuardTek will allow a user to view other Users with equal or lesser permission levels. By default, a user's permission level will be applied based on the user role you selected, but you can change the permission level if needed.
For example, a Supervisor at level 30 can view all Users with a level 30 and below, but he cannot view or edit Users with higher permission levels.
Users with Permission Level 90 have one extra feature where any new site created is automatically added to their Post Assignments.
The default Permission Levels by Role are:
- Client = 0
- Officer = 0
- Supervisor = 30
User Privileges
11. Select a User Group.
User Groups will dictate the specific functions to which each user can access.
It is important not to assign a User to more than 1 User Group. Belonging to more than one User Group can cause a conflict in what this user can access and edit in GuardTek.
When in doubt, a User should be placed in the User Group that matches their Role.
If you would like to modify the access rights or create more groups, contact your Success Specialist, and they will customize these groups to your liking.
12. Select Update to save the settings.
13. Assign the user to a Post.
Post Assignments will determine the Sites a User has access to. Users can be added to any sites within your platform, and their Post Assignments can be changed anytime.
14. Click Update to save the User and the Post Assignments.