Editing an Existing User

 In this article, we will review how to edit an existing user.

NOTE: Please see the Help Center article Adding a New User for step-by-step instructions on how to add a new user.


How to Edit an Existing User

To edit an existing User:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web page as a Supervisor.

2. Hover over the Settings module and click Users.


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3. To locate a user to edit, search by Client, Role, Username, or any combination of the three.  

4. Once you have found your desired user, select the green pencil edit icon to begin editing the user.  

2023-gt-en-mpost-user_management-user_management-edit_existing_user (1).png

5. From here, you can change any of the user’s info as needed other than the username.

6. Select Update at the bottom of the page to save your changes.  

2023-gt-en-mpost-user_management-user_management-edit_existing_user (2).png

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