Managing Contacts in the Site Directory

This article will cover how to add and manage a contact in the site directory. 


How to Add a New Contact to the Site Directory

To add a new contact to the site directory:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2. Click the green plus icon on the main menu 2023-gt-us-img.png

3. Hover over the Visitors module and click View Tenant Directory

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4. Click the green Add a Contact button on the right-hand side of the page.

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5. Type in the contact's Last Name, First Name, and Email, then click Update

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6. The new contact will appear on the Manage Contacts page. 

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How to Manage a Contact in the Site Directory

To manage a contact in the site directory:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2. Click the green plus icon on the main menu 2023-gt-us-img.png

3. Hover over the Visitors module and click View Tenant Directory

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4. You can view all contacts, search by Last Name / First Name, and Delete or Edit any existing contacts.

To Edit a Contact:

Click the green pencil icon in the Edit column of the contact you want to edit. 

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Edit the Last Name, First Name, and/or Email, and then click the green Update button in the window's bottom right-hand corner.

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To Delete a Contact:

Click the checkbox in the green trashcan icon column.

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In the pop-up verification window, click OK

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