This article will cover how to add and manage a contact in the site directory.
How to Add a New Contact to the Site Directory
To add a new contact to the site directory:
1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.
2. Click the green plus icon on the main menu
3. Hover over the Visitors module and click View Tenant Directory.
4. Click the green Add a Contact button on the right-hand side of the page.
5. Type in the contact's Last Name, First Name, and Email, then click Update.
6. The new contact will appear on the Manage Contacts page.
How to Manage a Contact in the Site Directory
To manage a contact in the site directory:
1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.
2. Click the green plus icon on the main menu
3. Hover over the Visitors module and click View Tenant Directory.
4. You can view all contacts, search by Last Name / First Name, and Delete or Edit any existing contacts.
To Edit a Contact:
Click the green pencil icon in the Edit column of the contact you want to edit.
Edit the Last Name, First Name, and/or Email, and then click the green Update button in the window's bottom right-hand corner.
To Delete a Contact:
Click the checkbox in the green trashcan icon column.
In the pop-up verification window, click OK.