This article will review how to add a visitor with and without using the advanced setting options.
NOTE: Depending on your client's needs, visitors are set up in categories. They can be generic such as just "visitors," or broken down as "contractors, vendors, guests," etc., to track them differently or ask different questions about a specific category or group.
How to Add a Visitor Without Advanced Settings
To add a visitor without advanced settings:
1. Log onto the Guardtek web portal as a Supervisor.
2. Hover over the Settings module and click Visitor Setup.
3. Click on the green Add New Visitor Category button at the right hand side of the page.
4. On the Visitor Template Information page, click on the Visitor Category field and type the visitor category you are creating in the name.
NOTE: The Group of visitors Yes No toggle will automatically default to No. If you click the toggle to Yes, this will allow the check-in of a group of visitors, and visitors will not need to be checked individually.
For example, a management group visiting from headquarters or corporate, a group of investors, a tour group, a class field trip, etc.
5. Click the green Create button at the bottom right hand corner.
How to Add a Visitor With Advanced Settings
To add a visitor with advanced settings:
1. Log onto the Guardtek web portal as a Supervisor.
2. Hover over the Settings module and click Visitor Setup.
3. Click on the green Add New Visitor Category button at the right hand side of the page.
4. On the Visitor Template Information page, click on the Visitor Category field and type the visitor category you are creating in the name.
NOTE: The Group of visitors Yes No toggle will automatically default to No. If you click the toggle to Yes, this will allow the check-in of a group of visitors, and visitors will not need to be checked individually.
For example, a management group visiting from headquarters or corporate, a group of investors, a tour group, a class field trip, etc.
5. Click the green Advanced settings button to set up the Advanced settings. A pop-up window will display several additional Yes No toggles or drop-down options.
Advanced Settings Defined
Visitor Category (1) - will display the visitor category you already typed into the visitor category field.
Group of visitors (2) will display the toggle setting already chosen and allow you to edit it.
Maximum Time Allowed on site (3) drop-down allows you to set a maximum time limit in hours a visitor may remain on site.
Pre-Registered Required (4) Toggling to Yes allows you to require pre-registration or not.
Check-out is required (5) Requires a visitor to check out. If No is selected, the system will automatically check them out.
Additional information required at check out? (6) toggling to Yes allows you to require a visitor to provide additional information when checking out that they provided when checking in.
Capture Equipment Information (7) toggling to Yes allows you to require that equipment being brought on site and being removed is tracked.
For example, this is typical with technicians doing repair or replacement work.
Capture Vehicle License Plate (8) Toggling to Yes allows you to require that a vehicle license plate is captured.
Allow Key/Asset Checkout (9) toggling to Yes allows you to allow a visitor to check out keys and assets.
Allow Arrival/Departure to be set at check in (10) Toggling to Yes allows you to give the officer the option to set the visitors' arrival and departure times when they check-in.
Allow officer to adjust max duration at check in (11) Toggling to Yes allows the officer to make changes to the max duration a visitor was set to be allowed on site when they check-in.
Only visitors having a current validity period (12) toggling to Yes is for use when using the pre-registration option.
This is typically used when appointments are required to visit.
Interfacing Identifier (13) should be left blank. For information about interfacing identifiers, please contact your Success Specialist.
Choose start and end date on visitor entry (14) Toggling to Yes allows the officer to choose a start and end date that the visitor will be on site.
For example, for an after-hours repair that extends into the next day.
6. In the Form section, you can set the required Visitor Information upon check-in to Last Name / First Name (default), Photo, and Company (default). You may select one or a combination of any requirements.
7. The Person Visited toggle refers to a visitor visiting a specific person in a company directory and should be left at the No default.
Typically used for a receptionist, but it is not frequently used. Please contact your Success Specialist for further information.
8. Click the green Create button at the bottom right hand corner.
How to Add a Visitor that Must Answer a Question(s) Upon Check in
To add a visitor that must answer a question(s) upon check-in:
1. Please follow steps 1 - 7 in the Help Article section, How to Add a Visitor With Advanced Settings
2. Click the green Add a New Field Group button at the lower right hand corner of the Form box.
3. Click in the Label field and type in an identifying question category.
For example: "Check in Info" or "Check in Question."
NOTE: You also have the option to click the box Fill for check out to create an identifying question category for a visitor checking out.
4. Click the green Update button at the lower right hand corner of the pop-up box.
5. Click on the green Add a New Field button.
6. This will allow you to create individual questions. To create an individual question, click the Question field and type in the question.
For example, "What is the reason for your visit?"
The API Identifier field should be left blank. For more information, please get in touch with your Success Specialist.
The Answer Format drop-down will contain the Activity Template options to choose from. Click on the preferred answer format.
The Mandatory check box is optional. If checked, it will require that the visitor answer the question upon check-out or check-in.
7. Once the question is created, click the green Enter button at the right hand corner.
NOTE: This process can be repeated to add multiple questions at check-in, check-out, or both.
8. Once all questions have been added, click on the green button at the bottom right hand corner of the pop-up box.
How to Manage an Existing Visitor
To manage an existing visitor:
1. Log onto the Guardtek web portal as a Supervisor.
2. Hover over the Settings module and click Visitor Setup.
3. You will have six managing/editing options.
Approvers (1) Clicking on the green thumb's up icon in the Approvers column will allow you to add a group-specific user who can authorize a visitor within that category.
The subsequent drop-down menu allows you to also select a specific user from within that particular group.
Once added, click the green button and then the green button at the right hand bottom of the window..
Badge (2) Clicking on the green plus icon in the Badge column allows you to create a badge for the visitor.
For a detailed explanation of how this option works please see the Help Center article: How to Create a Badge
Email/SMS (3) Clicking on the green envelope icon in the Email/SMS column will access the Setup notifications window.
Click the green Add new... button add a recipient when an event is triggered to receive a notification via Email/SMS.
Status (4) Clicking on the green circle checkmark icon in the Status column allows you to deactivate the visitor status.
Clicking on the red circle X icon in the Status column allows you to reactivate the visitor status.
Edit (5) Clicking on the green pencil icon in the Edit column...
...will take you back to the Visitor Template Information and Form window to edit the visitor information.
Copy / Delete (6) Clicking on the checkbox in the green copy trashcan icon column will place a blue checkmark in the checkbox and allow you to copy or delete the visitor information.