Download m-Post and Patrol (Android)

Note: If you still need to set up your device's Google Account, do this first.

2023-gt-en-mpost&post-user_training-android-download (8).png

Tap Play Store on your device.


2023-gt-en-mpost&post-user_training-android-download (9).png

In the search bar, search "guardtek" or "Trackforce".

2023-gt-en-mpost&post-user_training-android-download (1).png


You will have many options to choose from. Download the app that corresponds to your company or your region.

If you do not have a customized app, download one of the following:


2023-gt-en-mpost&post-user_training-android-download (2).png
Tap this for m-Post.



2023-gt-en-mpost&post-user_training-android-download (4).png
Tap this for Patrol.


2023-gt-en-mpost&post-user_training-android-download (5).png

Tap Install


2023-gt-en-mpost&post-user_training-android-download (3).png

Once downloaded, click Open.



Best Practices: It is highly recommended to enable Auto-update to ensure the app on the device is up-to-date and can take advantage of all the newest features.

2023-gt-en-mpost&post-user_training-android-download (6).png

Tap the three horizontal dots in the top right corner.


2023-gt-en-mpost&post-user_training-android-download (7).png

Check the box or ensure that it is checked.




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