In this article we will go over how to create and submit a DAR entry on the m-Post app and how to add comments/notes, a photo and or video.
- How to Create and Submit a DAR Entry
- How to Add a Comment / Note to a DAR Entry
- How to Add a Photo to a DAR Entry
- How to Add a Video to a DAR Entry
How to Create and Submit a DAR Entry
To create and submit a DAR entry on m-Post:
1. Tap the red DAR ENTRIES button.
2. Tap on the DAR entry you would like to submit.
NOTE: You may need to scroll up and down to find the DAR Entry you are looking for.
3. You will be given the option to add a Notes (1), a Photo (2) and / or a Video (3).
4. Once all necessary information has been completed tap the green SAVE button.
How to Add a Comment / Note to a DAR Entry
To add a comment / note to a DAR Entry:
1. Tap the TEXT field (1) and type in your comment or note.
2. Tap the green SAVE button.
How to Add a Photo to a DAR Entry
To add a photo to a DAR Entry:
1. Tap the camera icon PHOTO (2) button.
NOTE: Selecting the camera icon PHOTO option will open the device's camera. Based on the make and model the "take photo" option may vary.
2. Take a photo and preview it.
NOTE: It is highly recommend that photos be taken in landscape mode. In this example we will add a photo in portrait mode and then go over how to replace it with a photo in landscape mode.
If you are not satisfied with the photo tap the Discard button and retake the photo.
If you are satisfied with the photo tap the Save button.
3. A preview will display how the photo will be displayed, as portrait or landscape.
If you are not satisfied with the photo tap the cancel button or the < icon at the top left hand corner and retake the photo.
If you are satisfied with the photo tap the SAVE button.
How to Add a Video to a DAR Entry
To add a video to a DAR Entry:
1. Tap the movie camera icon VIDEO (3) button.
2. Tap the movie camera icon to record your video.
NOTE: The maximum videoing recording time is 30 seconds. A reminder will display at the upper left hand corner.
3. Tap the black square icon to end the recording.
NOTE: When you start recording video the Max. duration: 30s reminder will switch to a REC timer to let you know when you are reaching the 30 second time limit.
4. A preview will play.
If you are not satisfied with the video tap the CANCEL button or the < icon at the top left hand corner and retake the video.
If you are satisfied with the video tap the SAVE button.
NOTE: At anytime during the video playback you can tap the screen to access a play bar to pause, rewind or fast forward: