In this article, we will review how to synchronize an Android device.
What is synchronizing a device? When changes are made on the Guardtek web portal, they will not go "live" on the m-Post app immediately. For the changes to be visible and accessible in the m-Post app, the device must synchronize to the Guardtek web portal.
This process usually occurs automatically when you log in, but you can follow these instructions if you need to synchronize the app manually.
How to Synchronize an Android Device While Logged in
If a user is currently logged in to m-Post and you have made some configuration changes, then make sure you have the user synchronize their device to have the latest versions.
Click on the menu button ( ) in the top left corner of the screen to open the side menu.
From this menu, select the Synchronization ( ) option and let the app finish downloading the data.
How to Synchronize an Android Device Before Logging in
If no one is logged in to the phone, there is still a way to synchronize the app with the data linked to the m-Post license. Sometimes, this must be done to troubleshoot devices when transferring licenses from one device to another.
Slide from the left of the screen to the right to open up a hidden menu screen. Or, click on the menu button ( ) in the top left side corner of the screen.
From this menu, select the Synchronization ( ) option and let the app finish downloading the data before logging in. When you use this to troubleshoot a newly registered device, you should see the Device ID or Device Name update to the newly assigned Device Name.