In this article, we will go over how to view a Tour that is in progress or has been completed. We will also define the click options, icons, and columns of the Tour (Real-Time) page.
How to View a Tour in Progress or a Completed Tour
To view a tour in progress or a completed tour:
1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as a Supervisor.
2. Click on the Logbook module to access the drop-down menu.
3. Click on Tours (Real-Time)
This will take you to the Tours activity page:
4. To view a Tour in progress or a completed Tour, click the Green Eye Icon. When you hover your cursor over it, it will say Details. Once clicked, it will display a pop-up box of the Tour details.
5. Scroll down the pop-up box to see Tour progress in real-time, including the number of checkpoints Needed for 'Complete' Tour, checkpoints Actually Read, and checkpoints Pending/Missed.
Click Options, Icons and Columns Defined
The Refresh Every box at the upper left corner will automatically default to refresh all activity every 5 seconds. You can click the drop-down and change the refresh rate to 10, 30 seconds, 1, 2, or 5 minutes.
The Display All Sites box will default to unchecked, and the Tour activity page will not have the Site column. Only Tours from the site you are currently looking at will display.
There is a drop-down menu in the top right corner of the screen to switch between different sites, or you can check the Display All Sites box to show all tours from all sites you have access to.
Selecting the Display All Sites box will display a Site column that shows all sites the user is registered to. You can click on the Site name in blue and be hyperlinked to the Logbook Tour Report.
Clicking the Green Eye Icon will display the Tour details pop-up box. Scroll down the pop-up box to see Tour progress in real-time, including the number of checkpoints Needed for 'Complete' Tour, checkpoints Actually Read, and checkpoints Pending/Missed.
For quick reference, an un-scanned checkpoint displays in red, and once it is scanned, it turns black and displays the time stamp.
The Status column displays three icons:
If the 1st user Icon is green with a check mark, it means a user is logged in on a device. If the first user icon is orange with an alert exclamation, the user is not logged onto the device.
If the 2nd device icon is green with a check mark, the user is logged in and connected to the server. If the second device icon is red with an X, the user is not logged in or connected to the server.
The 3rd device/user icon wills will typically always be green on the Tours (Real Time) page because the device was assigned in Equipment. The device is unassigned to a person if it's red with an exclamation mark.
The Date/Time column displays the date and time the Tour was updated, as seen in the description of the Activity column.
If the date and time are displayed in red, the minimum threshold of required checkpoint tag scans has not been met.
The Device User column displays the device user, and the Device ID column displays the device ID.
The Activity column displays the status of the Tour, such as:
- Device assigned
- [Tour in progress] Last tag read:
- Tour ended [device remains assigned]:
The Alerts column displays any Lone Worker Protection alerts.