Managing Tour Maps for Use in m-Post

In this article, we will go over how to manage Tour Maps for Officers to view in m-Post and see where the checkpoints tags are located on the Tour Maps. We will review the differences between a Site Map and a Tour Map and how to add and manage both.

NOTE: This feature is currently available for Android m-Post users only. 


How To Manage Tour Maps

To manage Tour Maps:

1. Log onto your GuardTek Home Page as a Supervisor.

2. Select the property location drop-down menu at the upper right-hand corner to verify or select the property location you want to manage the Tour Maps.

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3. Once the correct Location has been verified or selected, hover over the Settings Module and click on Tour Maps.

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NOTE: If you have not yet added a Site Map or Tour Map, you will see an error message:



How to Add a Site Map

A Site Map is typically a general overview of the entire property, including an exterior view. 

To add a Site Map:

1. Click on the plus (+) symbol of the property location name 


2. In the Create sitemap pop-up box, click Choose File to upload a Site Map

3. Once the file has been uploaded, Click the Create sitemap button.

NOTE: You cannot use a PDF file. You must upload a PNG or JPG file.



The Site Map will typically upload within a few seconds and then be visible on the Tour Maps home screen.


You can now add specific Checkpoints on the Site Map. 

How to Add Checkpoint Tags to a Site Map

To add specific Checkpoints to the Site Map:

1. Click the Tour Tags drop-down arrow to display the Tours set up for this Location and the Checkpoints.

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2. Grab and drag the orange Checkpoint circle and place it on the Site Map image. 

NOTE: As you place the Checkpoint on the Site Map, it will turn red, and a confirmation box will pop up on the right-hand side of the page. 

3. The pop-up box will ask you to verify the Checkpoint tag placement by clicking Done or "Change the tag location by dragging it or remove the tag from the map by clicking DELETE."

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NOTE: you can bypass clicking the Done button by dragging the next Checkpoint and placing it at the desired point on the Site Map. However, the last Checkpoint you place will require a selection. 

4. Once you have placed all the Checkpoints on the Site Map, click the flashing Save button: 

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You can repeat the process if you have multiple Tours for the same Location.

How to Add a Tour Map

A Tour Map is also called a map/floor plan because it typically breaks down the interior Location to a more detailed visual explanation of where the Checkpoint scan tags are located.

To add a Tour Map:

1. Click on the minus ( - ) symbol to the left of the Location, which will drop down and display all Tours for the property location:


2. Next, click on the plus (+) symbol at the right side of the drop-down Tour where you want to place the Tour Map.  


3. In the Load new map/floor plan pop-up box, give the Tour Map a Name and then click Choose File to upload a Tour Map. 

NOTE: The m-Post user can pinch and expand the map(s) you upload here. However, remember that their view of the map will be based on the resolution and display size of the file chosen. Ensure the map you upload is a large enough file that will not get too pixelated or be viewed out of focus when expanded. 


4. Click the Load new map/floor plan button once each Tour Map is uploaded.

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The Tour Map will typically upload within a few seconds and then be visible in Tour Maps for that specific Checkpoint Tour.

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5. (Optional) The first new map/floor plan file uploaded will automatically pre-populate the Sort order as 1.

If you click on the plus (+) symbol at the right side of the drop-down Tour and add multiple map/floor plan files, the Sort order field will automatically number the file uploads in the order you upload them. For example, The 1st file uploaded will be Sort order 1, the 2nd will be Sort order 2, and so on.

If needed, you can change the number in the Sort order field to rearrange the order in which they will be displayed for the m-Post app user and when viewing in Post Tour Maps. 

6. To change the Sort order, the Name, Choose another Tour Map file or delete a floor plan map, click the pencil edit icon. 

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7. Make the desired edits and click the green Update floor plan button.

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How to Add Checkpoint Tags to a Tour Map

To add specific Checkpoints to the Tour Map:

1. Click the Tour Tags drop-down arrow to display the Tours set up for this Location and the Checkpoints.

2. Grab and drag the orange Checkpoint and place it on the Tour Map, as was done for the Site Map. 

NOTE: As you place the Checkpoint on the Tour Map, it will turn red, and a confirmation box will pop up on the right-hand side of the page. 

3. In the pop-up box, verify the Checkpoint placement by clicking Done or "Change the tag location by dragging it or remove the tag from the map by clicking DELETE."

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NOTE: You can bypass clicking the Done button by dragging the next Checkpoint and placing it at the desired spot on the Site Map. However, the last Checkpoint you place must have the Done button clicked.

4. Once you have placed all the Checkpoints on the Site Map, click the the flashing red Save button at the upper left-hand corner. 

How to Create a Site on a Site Map or Tour Map

In this context, a Site is a part or section on the map that can be specifically designated separately on the Site Map or Tour Map.   For example, a large shopping mall may be the entire property location, but you may want to assign each wing as a separate Site, such as the "North Wing." Or there may be certain areas on a Site Map or Tour Map that are off-limits or that are designated as break and lunch areas.

To add a Site to a Site Map or Tour Map:

1. Click on the Site arrow drop-down arrow.

2. Click the (+) for the property location to which you want to add the Site.

3. Drag the orange square onto the Site or Tour Map. 

4. Click and drag a red circle of the orange square to outline the Site in the desired shape. 

NOTE: Use the property location pop-up box on the right side of the page to remove a red circle point or to add points for more complicated Site shapes 

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5. Click the flashing red Save button on the top left-hand side of the page.


How an Officer Can View a Site Map and Tour Map

Once a Site Map or Tour Map has been added or edited on the GuardTek web portal and if the Officer is already logged onto the m-Post App, they will need to tap the menu icon and Synchronization in the drop-down menu.

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NOTE: If an officer is not logged onto the m-Post App when a Site Map and/or Tour Map has been added or edited on the GuardTek web portal, the device will automatically synchronize upon successful login.

To view a specific Tour Map:

1. Tap on the Tours option from the home page of the m-Post App.

2. Select the Tour you wish to start.

3. Tap the green Start button at the bottom of the screen

4. Tap the blue Map button at the upper right hand corner to view the Tour Map.

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