2022.04 | Non-Editable Activity & Incident Report Sections


What have we been up to?

In this release we've been working hard on some larger projects that you will see in the coming releases! That being said, we still found time to add a new feature for restricting access to edit data in activity and incident report templates.


Within an incident report, some sections will often be more 'important'. In this scenario, managers with certain access levels should only have access to edit certain entries within a template - this feature gives you the flexibility to control that!



Non-Editable Incident Report Sections

Especially useful for our customers with hierarchical or complex Sites/Posts structure with several
authorization levels, this new feature allows you to restrict Groups/Sections within an activity or incident template to only be editable by users with certain access levels.

It's important to note that this only affects the creation and editing of templates, not the filing of a report by a guard or an officer.

The example below shows two groups:

  1. Non-editable group (based on access)
  2. Editable group




Punch In/Out Grace Periods

This enhancement is primarily aimed at users of our bundled solution which includes both GuardTek and Smartforce. It enables us to show more of the settings in GuardTek that have been configured for punch in/out grace periods within Smartforce. 

This is particularly important for GuardTek admins who want to understand the grace periods and constraints that are placed on guards and officers when they attempt to punch in and out for each shift.



A number of fixes including:

  • Pending Report - Ignored mandatory fields blocking reports closing
  • Overlap between the hour field and 'Required'
  • Display Grace Period settings in guardroom settings
  • Conditional Answers - Do not save hidden values
  • Display checkboxes as yes/no when filing a report
  • Activity report template - Checkbox required
  • Conditional Answers ignore mandatory fields when closing if section is hidden
  • Added Pending Reports back to classic link
  • File an Activity/Incident Report back to classic link
  • File an Activity/Incident report section borders
  • Conditional Answers allow questions more than once
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