m-Post User Training - Starting and Ending a Shift (Android)

In this article, we will review how an m-Post User can start and end a shift.


How to Start a Shift

To start a shift:

1. Tap the green START SHIFT button on the home page:

2023-gt-us-img (974).png

2. Tap the second green START SHIFT button on the pop-up screen:

2023-gt-us-img (975).png

The START SHIFT button will change to END SHIFT:

2023-gt-us-img (977).png


How to End a Shift

To end a shift:

1. Tap the green END SHIFT button on the home page:

2023-gt-us-img (977).png

2. Tap the second red END SHIFT button on the pop-up screen:

2023-gt-us-img (978).png

NOTE: The END SHIFT button will change to START SHIFT:

2023-gt-us-img (974).png


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