Setting Up a Customized Excel Extract for Activity or Incident Reports

This article will review how to set up a customized Excel extract for Activity or Incident reports. 

How to Setup a Customized Excel Extract for Activity or Incident Reports

To setup a customized Excel extract for activity or incident reports:

1. Log onto the GuardTek Web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2. Hover over the Reporting Tool module and click on the Export to Excel option in the drop-down menu.


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3. Click the green plus2023-gt-us-img (246).png icon of the Sites column. This will populate the Posts for that Site. 

Click the green plus2023-gt-us-img (246).png icon of the Post. This will populate the Selected Posts for that Post. 

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4. Click the Reports option in the far left column. 

Click the green plus2023-gt-us-img (246).png icon of the Categories column. This will populate the Reports for that Category. 

Click the green plus2023-gt-us-img (246).png icon of the Reports. This will populate the Selected Reports for that Post. 

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5. Click the Columns option in the far left column. 

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By default, the system adds the Post, Start Date, and Officer Name columns.

You can click the green plus 2023-gt-us-img (246).png icon to Add Standard Columns or to Add Custom Columns.

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Add Standard Column 

Data automatically collected by the system, such as Post, Start Date, Report Originator, etc.

Standard columns are named automatically.

You must click the drop-down arrow to choose the data you want from the list.

Add Custom Column

Data pertaining to the report template queries.

NOTE: Signatures and image canvas types of queries are unavailable to select. Photos or videos taken are not included in the extract. 

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First, click Edit to view the list of available lists of queries you can select.

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Once selected, you must rename the customs column.


Once you click the green plus icon, it automatically adds a new column at the end of the row.

NOTE: If you have multiple rows, you may need to scroll down to view them all. 

To delete columns, click on the trash can icon available in the top right corner of each column.

To move the order of the columns, click on the arrow icons available on the top right corner of each column. 

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6. Click the Overview option in the far left column. 

7. Click the green Save button at the upper right-hand corner.  

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8. In the pop-up window, name the Report and then click the green Enter button at the lower right-hand corner of the window.

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The report template will now be retrievable at any time by selecting the green Open Report button at the upper right-hand corner of the page.


How to Run a Customized Excel Activity or Incident Report

To run a customized Excel activity or incident Report:

1. Log onto the GuardTek Web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2. Hover over the Reporting Tool module and click on the Export to Excel option in the drop-down menu.


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3. Click the green Open Report button at the upper right-hand corner of the page.

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4. Click the Report Name you want to run.

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5. Click the Overview (1) option in the far left column. 

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6. Set your Start Date and End Date by clicking on the calendar icon. Click the green Run (2) button in the middle of the page.

7. To extract, click on the green Excel Icon (3) on the right-hand side of the page.

NOTE: All GuardTek Excel files are in a CSV format.

To convert to an Excel Workbook format, check this article "How to Convert CSV Excel Files (.csv) to Excel Workbook format (.xlsm)"

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