Authorization Principle
Each Reports (Activity or Incident) has its own Authorization schemes defining actions each user roles can do or not.
Who can read a Report, file one, edit an open report or close it.
This allows for instance to create a redaction structure for your Report between a guard and a supervisor.
Some examples:
- A Time-off Request not to be seen by customers or other guards.
- A Disciplinary Measure only accessible to supervisors.
Configure Report Authorizations
1. Go to Settings menu and open Activity Templates (or Incident Templates), making sure you're on the right Site in the upper right corner.
2. Cliquez sur l'icône de Cadenas du Rapport concerné dans la colonne Autorisations.
Activate and deactivate per User Role
A frame appears with a table listing all User Roles on your platform and 4 action columns each containing a cliquable icon (green V by default) meaning the action permission.
Simply click on these icons, in the line of the role you want and the column of the action required to switch from allowed to denied and allowed again.
The 4 Authorization types
1. Read: deactivate this icon to hide this report in the logbook and analysis for the role.
2. File: deactivate this icon to remove this report of the available reports list in Activities > Report an Activity (or Incident) pages, making it impossible to file one by the role.
3. Edit: deactivate this icon to prevent a role from editing an Open Report.
4. Close: deactivate this icon to prevent a role from closing a pending Report. This can be useful to require a supervisor proof reading before closing.