NOTE: All Report Templates are located on Location level (2) and are directly deployed on all Guardrooms (level 4) under this Location.
Consult an existing template
1. Go to Settings menu and open Activity Templates (or Incident Templates), making sure you're on the right Site in the upper right corner.
2. From the list you see, click on the eye icon on the left.
3. A frame shows main template settings and a structural list of all Elements used. Click on Preview to show the Report Template as it will be shown to redact to end user.
Edit an existing template
1. Go to Settings menu and open Activity Templates (or Incident Templates).
2. From the list click on the pencil icon on the right in Edit column.
This will re-open the form editor.
Activate or deactivate a template
1. The icon in Status column allows you to see if a Template is currently active or not
. Simply click on this icon to swith from one state to the other.
Delete a template
1. From the line of the Template to delete check the box in the last column and then click on the bin icon in the header.
2. Upon confirm message click on Delete to definitly delete this template.
Copy a template
1. Select a Template to copy by checking its box in the last column and clicking the Copy icon in the header.
2. In the new window check the box Use same name so that your copies use the exact same name as the original. Unchecked your copies will have a name starting with the original Site between brackets.
3. Select then in the list all the Sites you'd like your Template to be copied to.
Note: might also be used to clone a Template on the same Site to make a save copy or a base to create variate Templates.
4. To finish click on Copy. Generated Templates can now be edited individually, original staying untouched.
Link a Post Order to a Template
Link one or more Post Orders to a Template may be useful to make sure patrolling officer has all informations he might need to assist him in his tasks.
1. Click on the Post Order icon to show a window listing all existing Post Orders.
Manage notifications
1. Click on the Enveloppe icon of the Template line to manage its notifications individually. To manage them globally for this Site click on the same icon but in the header on top.
Schedule a report
Scheduling an Activity Report Template to make sure it's completed when needed.
1. Click on the Calendar icon in the Schedule column.
2. A new frame allows you to define the scheduling scheme and set it up.
Manage authorizations
Authorizations allow to define, based on account type, who can read, file, edit or close the Report.
1. Click on the Lock icon in Authorization column to access a table allowing you to choose each role rights.