Adding a Tour with NFC Tags on an iOS Device with the m-Post App

In this article, we will go over how a Supervisor can verify or change the location and how to add a tour that uses NFC tags on an iOS Device with the m-Post App.


How to Verify or Change the Location

To verify or change the location:

1. Check your location will show up at the top of the screen.

2. If you need to change your location, tap on the menu button next to the location name and then tap on the drop-down menu and select the location where you wish to add the tour. 

2023-gt-en-mpost-tours-adding-ios_nfc (4).png 2023-gt-en-mpost-tours-adding-ios_nfc (3).png


How to Add a Tour with NFC Tags on an iOS Device

To add a Tour:

1. Tap on the Menu icon and then tap on the Add Tour icon:

2023-gt-en-mpost-tours-adding-ios_nfc (2).png

2. Create a name for the tour in the Tour name field and then click on the NFC TAG icon:

2023-gt-en-mpost-tours-adding-ios_nfc (1).png

3. Clicking the NFC TAG icon will open the device's NFC reader and allow you to scan your first NFC Tag.

2023-gt-en-mpost-tours-adding-ios_nfc (5).png

4. Once the NFC Tag is successfully scanned, the checkpoint tag will appear under the TAGS IN THIS TOUR section.  

5. Tap the tag name to access the qwerty keypad and rename it to an appropriate name for that checkpoint.

2023-gt-en-mpost-tours-adding-ios_nfc (6).png

6. Repeat to add multiple NFC Tags checkpoints by following the same steps until all your tags are added to the tour.

7. Once all of your NFC Tags have been added, tap the green Add Tour button at the bottom, and the tour is now ready to be used at this location.




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