Creating a Widget on the dashboard

In this article, we will go over creating a widget on the dashboard. We will also define what a widget is and the uses of them.

What is a Widget?

A widget is a quick and simple visual representation of data collected in a container in the GuardTek Web portal in the dashboard.

It is a simple, standalone user interface, contrasting with more complex data retrieval such as a spreadsheet or PDF report. 

Multiple containers and the graphical elements of a widget can be used to build a more complex visual by combining simple, smaller individual components.


How to Create a Widget

To create a widget:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as a Supervisor.

2. Select the property site location you want to create the widget for (1).

3. Click on the Dashboard icon (2).

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4. On the Dashboard view page, there are two green circles with a + icon to add a widget. Click on the green circle with a + icon in the box in the upper left-hand corner (1) or on the green circle with a + icon at the bottom right-hand corner (2).


5. Select the style from the 6 SELECT WIDEGT TYPE options you would like to see displayed on your dashboard (2).

NOTE: A 5-step progress bar will track your steps in creating a widget (1). If you choose the SELECT PREDEFINED WIDGET (3), you will only have a 2-step progress bar. 


6. Once you have clicked on your selection, click NEXT (4).

7. Step 2 SELECT YOUR DATA. Use the drop-down buttons to access your Report Type options.

Select the desired Report Type option between Activity, Tour, or Shift


If you select Activity, click on the Report Detail drop-down and select specific activities or groups of activities by clicking on the corresponding checkbox.

NOTE: Mandatory fields are indicated with a red asterisk *. If you toggle the Split By option to the right, the Group By field will become mandatory and be indicated by a red asterisk. 





Dashboard Editing Options

There are four edit icon buttons to edit your dashboard.


(1) The three green dots vertical icon in the top right-hand corner of the Dashboard View page:


Click the three green dots vertical icon will give you a drop-down menu to:

Rename page - When creating multiple pages, this provides a quick description of the page contents.

Exports to PDF - Create a PDF file of the Containers on the page.

Send by email - Clicking the send by email option allows you to send the Dashboard View page to yourself or another recipient.


Reorder pages - Clicking the reorder pages option opens a new window that allows you to select the viewing order of the Dashboard View pages by grabbing and dragging the page to the desired position. 


Delete page - Clicking the delete page option allows you to delete a Dashboard view page but will have you verify 1st so that you don't accidentally delete a page.


(2) Expand the window to Full Screen 2023-gt-us-img

Click the green Full Screen icon at the top right-hand corner of the Dashboard View page to view the window as a full screen. The full-screen icon will change to an exit full-screen icon 2023-gt-us-img (445).png

To change the full-screen view back to a window view, click the exit full-screen icon, 2023-gt-us-img (445).pngwhich will switch back to the full-screen icon option. 2023-gt-us-img

(3) Container gear settings icon. Clicking the gear settings icon will give you a drop-down menu with 4 managing and editing options.


Add a new widget - Click the Add a new widget option to add a new widget.   See How to Create a Widget.

Duplicate container - Click the duplicate container option in the container you want to duplicate, and a pop-up window will allow you to duplicate the container to another page.


Edit Settings - Click the Edit Settings option to change the Container Styles.


Delete container - Clicking the Delete container option allows you to delete a container but will have you verify 1st so that you don't accidentally delete a container.


(4) Green circle with white + icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the page.


Clicking the green circle with the white + icon will give you the quick option to Add a new page or Create a Container


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