The article will provide an overview of the course management page viewing and editing options.
To access the Course Management page:
1. Log onto the GuardTek web page as a Supervisor-credentialed User with permission to access the GuardTek Management Dashboard.
2. Click the green plus + on the Header modules to access the secondary header of modules and click on the Job Skills module:
3. In the Job Skills drop-down, click on the Course Management option:
On the Course Management page, you will have access to 11 Course or Training viewing and editing options:
Post (1) The course management page will default to a display of all Course or Training. The Post drop-down allows you to select a specific property location to view all courses or training for that property location only.
Course or Training (2) The Course or Training column lists the courses or training name alphabetically.
Type (3) The Type column displays whether the course or training is a Routine or a Daily course or training.
NOTE: The type of course or training can be edited by clicking the green pencil edit icon (9).
Category (4) will display the assigned category of the course.
Needs Periodic Retaking (5) The needs periodic retaking column notes with a Yes or No if the course or training is a one-and-done (No) or if the course or training needs to be completed again (Yes) in a specified time frame.
NOTE: When creating or editing a training course, if a specific time frame is not selected in the "Needs to be retaken every" drop-downs and the year(s) and month(s) are 0, the Needs Periodic Retaking column will display No.
Status (6) The status column indicates if the course or training is enabled or disabled. A green circle with a check mark indicates it is enabled, and a red circle X means it is disabled:
Emails (7) The emails column allows us to click on the green envelope icon to change the Event of the Activity Type from All to a specific trigger:
You can also view or edit the email recipient, Search for an email recipient, or Add new... recipient
Applies to Posts (8) Clicking on the green pencil edit icon in the applies to post column allows you to view and add specific post assignments for a course or training.
Edit (9) The edit column allows you to select a specific course or training and click the green pencil edit icon to make changes and additions to a course or training.
Delete - Green trashcan icon (10) Clicking the checkbox in the green trashcan delete icon header and then clicking the green trashcan delete icon will trigger a verification pop-up:
Add a Course (11) This section is two options:
Please see the separate Resource Center articles for an in-depth how and explanation of each option:
The Setup Worker Card notifications link
The green Add a Course button