Using the “Worker Card” Compliance and Notification Feature

In this article, we will go over using the Worker Card notifications feature, how to set up an expiration warning, and the grace period and notifications for the expiration of Worker Cards.

NOTE: This is similar to enabling alerts for certification courses. Typically, a Worker Card will be any identification, access card, or token unrelated to a one-time or recurring certification or credential. 

How the Grace Period is Determined

Before you can set up a Worker Card, the Grace Period must be configured for your account. For most GuardTek subscribers, this will be set up by your Customer Success Specialist during onboarding. However, your Customer Success representative or any Trackforce Customer Support team member can help you with this process.

Setting up the Grace Period

  • The grace period parameter is measured in days.
  • The Grace Period is the duration of the warning period before the designated Worker Card expires.
  • This is a company-wide preference and will apply to all Worker Cards distributed and tracked across all posts within your GuardTek account.
  • The default is 30 days and is configurable by a Trackforce Success or Support team member.

How to Setup Notifications

NOTE: Once the Grace Period has been configured, there are two places on your GuardTek Management Dashboard for setting up notifications. One of these locations is typically accessible only to your Trackforce Success or Support representative. 

To set up notifications on your own:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web page as a Supervisor-credentialed User with permission to access the GuardTek Management Dashboard.

2. Click the green plus + on the Header modules to access the secondary header of modules and click on the Job Skills module:

2023-gt-en-job_skills_courses&documentation_worker_card (3).png

3. In the Job Skills drop-down, click on the Course Management option:

2023-gt-en-job_skills_courses&documentation_worker_card (2).png


4. Click the blue Setup Worker Card notifications link to the left of the green Add a Course button.

When enabled, clicking on the Worker Card link will trigger a pop-up providing access through another window where you can choose the method of notification based on either of the two triggers: 

  • Expired – sends the notification on the expiration date
  • Expiring – sends the notification at the beginning of the grace period (i.e., X days before expiration)

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Sample email

Here’s a sample email sent by this new notification system.


2023-gt-en-job_skills_courses&documentation_worker_card (1).png



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