In this article, we will go over how the scheduling options at the Post level can be set or edited. This affects how an m-Post user can start their shift and submit their clock-ins to the TLM software. We will also go over how to activate the Profiles that can be scheduled.
- How to Add or Edit a Scheduling Option
- Scheduling Options
- How to Activate the Profiles that can be Scheduled
How to Add or Edit a Scheduling Option
To access the scheduling options at the Post level:
1. Log onto your GuardTek web portal.
2. Hover over the Settings module and click Client/Account Mgmt:
3. Click on the drop down of the specific Property Location hierarchy down to the Post level (level 4).
4. On the Security Post Details page click the SCHEDULED OPTIONS module.
Clicking the Scheduling options link will pop-up the Scheduling Options and Profiles that can be scheduled boxes.
There are 6 Scheduling Options and 6 Profiles that can be edited:
5. Once completed click the green Enter button at the lower right-hand corner and you will be back on the Security Post Details page.
Scheduling Options
1. Unlock planning after the day
2. Early shift start tolerance (minutes) - This is the maximum amount of time that a user can start a shift before the actual scheduled time. For example, if a shift is scheduled to start at 9:00 and the early shift tolerance is 15 minutes the user would not be able to clock in earlier than 8:45. This is a great way to prevent the accumulation of unwanted overtime.
NOTE: The default is 30 minutes.
3. Officers must use an NFC tag to start shifts. - When the Yes/ No toggle option is set to Yes the user must start the shift by scanning an NFC tag. If the user tries to clock in before scanning the NFC tag they will be prompted to do so. This is a great way to confirm that the user is clocking in on the site.
NOTE: In order to enable the Officers must use an NFC tag to start shifts option there must be a physical NFC tag set up at that property location.
If the NFC tag cannot be scanned the user will have the ability to give an explanation as to why. For example, a faulty tag or NFC reader on the device.
4. Location - When the Yes/ No toggle option is set to Yes the user must start the shift within a set Range limit (in feet or meters) of the property location's Latitude and Longitude. This is another great way to confirm that the user is clocking in on the site.
5. Start shift with picture - When the Yes/ No toggle option is set to Yes the user must start the shift with the added step that they must take and submit a photo with m-Post.
PRO TIP: Have the officer take a photo of themselves in a mirror with their guard card as a uniform check. This is also a great way to prevent anyone else from clocking in for another user.
6. Automatically start next shift for the same day (back to back shifts)