Managing a New Customer (Client Hierarchy Levels 1-4)


In this article we will go over how to manage a newly created customer and how to manage the new customer (client) hierarchy through all 4 levels. 

The client hierarchy levels are an excellent way for Trackforce Valiant customers to manage multiple sites for the clients that they provide security for.

For example:  Let's say that you, as a Trackforce Valiant customer, provide security for several commercial properties for a hypothetical Client named CPRE Property Management.  The Client/Account Mgmt. module allows you to manage and add multiple Sites, Locations and Security Posts (Guardroom) all under the CPRE hierarchy.  

NOTE: The same editing steps can also be used to manage an existing client as well.

How to Manage a New Client

(Please see the Help Center article, Creating a New Customer)

To manage a new client: 

1. Log onto your Guardtek Home Page as a Supervisor.

2. Hover over the Settings module and click on Client/Account Mgmt.

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 All of your Clients will be listed in alpha numeric order on the left hand side of the page:

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Level 1 - Customer

NOTE: When a new customer is created the name of the customer will automatically be the same name for all 4 levels of the client hierarchy.

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To manage the name of the newly created customer:

1. Click on the first level 1 folder icon or the name of the customer. 

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This will open the Client Details box on the page:

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3. Click on the Name field and rename the customer (client) and then click the blue UPDATE button at the bottom right hand corner and the expanded hierarchy will remain expanded.

PRO TIP: There are several other options to manage, however we recommend leaving the defaults.  If you would like to learn more about the Client Details managing options please contact your Customer Success Manager. 

4. A pop-up box will appear at the bottom of the page letting you know the Name was saved successfully. 

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Level 2 - Site

The Site (Hierarchy Level 2) is where you will manage Activity Templates, Tours, NFC Tags, Keys & Assets, and Visitor Setup in the Settings module.

To manage the site of a new client:

1.  Click the green drop down icon to open the site hierarchy level 2.


2.  In the Site Details box you will have the option to Name the Site, add the address and assign it a  Country and Time Zone.


NOTE: The Address City State and Zip are optional but are necessary if you are using GPS and Geofencing so it is recommended that you fill out all fields.

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Name (1) Click the Name field (required) to give the site a specific name. 

For example: the Customer is CBRE and the Site is the Main St. Shopping Center.

Address (2) Click the field to add the street name and number

City (3) Click the field to add the

Zip Code (4) Click the field to add the

Country (5) Click the drop down menu to select the Country (required)

Time Zone (6) Click the drop down menu to select the Time Zone (required)

This is a Master Site (7) (a new client will default to No) A master site is typically created in your initial Customer Success training.  For further information on the option to make a Site a Master Site please review the resource center article,  Managing a Master Site

Update (8) Once all Site Details have been added click the blue UPDATE button at the bottom right hand corner.

Once the blue UPDATE button has been clicked a green Settings saved successfully box will pop-up.

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How to Add a New Site

In the above example of our hypothetical company, CPRE Property Management being the Client, they will likely have multiple properties in their portfolio that you provide security for.  You can add multiple properties in the Site level 2 hierarchy. 

To add a new site:

1. Hover over the current Site and click the blue copy icon.

2. In the pop-up box click Add a Site

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3. In the pop-up box on the Site Details page click the Name field and add the new Site name.

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4. The 2nd Site will now appear in the level 2 of the hierarchy.

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5. To add additional Locations follow the same procedure.


Level 3 - Location Details

The Location Details further defines a more specific Location at the Site.  In this example a Location at the North St. Shopping Center location could be a Suite, Unit or individual Business.

For example multiple Locations for the North St. Shopping Center Site might be named:

  • Building A
  • Building B
  • Suite 101
  • Suite 102
  • Underway Sandwich Shop
  • McArnolds Restaurant 

To manage the Location of a new customer:

1.  Click the blue drop down icon to open the location hierarchy level 3.

2.  Click on the location name which will open the right side of the page.

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3.  In the Location Details box you will have the option to Name the Location.

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4. Once the Location Details Name has been added click the the blue Update button at the lower right

5. Once the green update button has been clicked a green Settings saved successfully box will pop-up.

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How to Add a New Location

To add new site details:

1. Hover over the location and click the blue copy icon. 

2. Click the Add Location option in the popup menu

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3. In the popup window type in the Name of the new Location and click the blue SAVE button at the bottom right hand corner of the window.

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4. The 2nd Location will now appear in the level 3 of the hierarchy.

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5. To add additional Location follow the same procedure.


Level 4 - Security Post (Guardroom)

The Security Post (Hierarchy Level 4) is where you will manage Equipment, the Logbook, and where licenses are assigned. 

To manage the Security Post of a new client:

1.  Click the green Location drop down of the Location you want to add a Security Post and to open hierarchy level 4.

2. Click the Name of the Security Post to open the Security Post Details..

NOTE: Until you edit the Security Post details it will be the same name as the Location.

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3. In the Security Post Details pop-up, change the location Name to the Security Post in the Client/Site Name field.

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4. Fill in the individual fields as desired and add Guardroom coordinates by adding the address in the Input Address field.

NOTE: If you do not add guardroom coordinates the red circle and exclamation point will remain in the level 4 hierarchy. 

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5. Click the blue UPDATE button at the bottom right hand corner.


6. Once the blue update button has been clicked a green Settings saved successfully box will pop-up.

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How to Add a New Security Post (Guardroom)

To add a new security post:

1. Hover over the Security Post name and click the blue copy icon. 

2. Click the Add Guardroom option in the popup menu

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3. In the popup window type in the Name of the new Security Post and click the blue SAVE button at the bottom right hand corner of the window.

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4. Fill in the individual fields as desired and add Guardroom coordinates by adding the address in the Input Address field.

NOTE: If you do not add guardroom coordinates the red circle and exclamation point will remain in the level 4 hierarchy. 

5. Click the Update button at the bottom right hand corner.

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6. Once the green update button has been clicked a green Settings saved successfully box will pop-up.

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7.  The second Post will now appear in the level 4 hierarchy.


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Example Hierarchy Review

In the above examples in adding and managing a New Client here is what the hierarchy would look like in Client/Account Mgmt:

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Client (1) Hierarchy Level 1

Site (2) Hierarchy Level 2  - 2 Locations

Locations (3) Hierarchy Level 3 - 4 Locations

Post (4) Hierarchy Level 4 - 4 Posts



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