Adding an Equipment Group

In this article we will go over how to add an equipment group, specifically the optional device group assignment option when adding multiple devices at a post. 

How to Add an Equipment Group

To add an equipment group:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as a Supervisor.

2. Hover over the Settings module and click the Equipment option.

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3. On the Equipment page, click on the Equipment group module at the upper left corner. 


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4. On the Equipment group page click the green Add new group button at the upper right hand corner.

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5.  In the Edit equipment group pop-up window fill out the 1st 2 fields and select the devices you want to place in the group using the drop down menu:

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In the Equipment group name (1) field give the devices a name or description that best describes the multiple devices being used at a post. 

For example, Building 101 Night Tour.

In the Group description (2) field describe the group of devices in the group.

For example, Android Devices, iOS Devices, Sonim, etc..

Click the Devices in group (3) drop down menu and select the specific devices you want t0 add to the Equipment group.

6. Click the green Save button at the bottom right hand corner.


How to Assign Equipment to an Existing Group

NOTE: In this instance equipment here refers to multiple devices, not any item or object such as keys, flashlights, or some other item needed at a Post.

To assign equipment to an existing group:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as a Supervisor.

2. Hover over the Settings module and click the Equipment option.

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3. On the Equipment page click on the Equipment group module at the upper left corner. 


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4. On the Equipment group page click the green pencil edit icon of the Equipment group you want to add equipment to.

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5. Click the Devices in group drop down menu and select the specific devices you want to add to the Equipment group.

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6. Once all the devices you want have been added to the equipment group click the green Save button at the bottom right hand corner.

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