Self-Registering an m-Post Device (Android)

This article will review how to self-register an Android m-Post device.

NOTE: To self-register an Android m-Post Device, you must be a Supervisor and first have the User Right added for m-Post.

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Please see the Help Center Article: Adding or Editing User Rights.

How to Self-Register an Android m-Post Device

To self-register an Android m-Post device:

1.  Download the m-Post mobile app

Download m-Post

2. Log onto the m-Post mobile app.

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3. Click on the Assign a Device Name field and use the QWERTY keypad to change the device name from the default name. 

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4. In the Select a Site/Post drop-down, select the site where you want to register to the device.

5. Tap the Allow option in the Allow m-Post to access this device's location? pop-up window.

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