m-Post User Training - Start and End Shift (iOS)

In this article we will go over how to start and end a shift. We will also go over how to document the material condition of the device upon start of shift.

How to Start a Shift

To start a shift:

1. Log onto the m-Post App.

2. Tap on the Start Shift icon on the home page Quick Tools tab.

NOTE: The Start Shift option can also be accessed via the global navigation menu and the quick tray.  To review your other Start Shift access options please review the Resource Center article: m-Post User Training - Accessing the Menu Options (iOS)


NOTE: the Start Shift screen may allow you the option to document the material condition of the device.  To understand how this optional function works please review: How to Document Material Condition

3. Tap the green START SHIFT button at the bottom of the screen.


4. The Start Shift icon will now display as End Shift.



How to Document Material Condition

To document the material condition of the device:

1. Tap on the condition icon / device name button.


2. Tap on the material condition option that best describes the device.


NOTE:  If you select Needs repair, Out of Order or Missing a popup box will require you to submit an explanation note.  Once the note is added tap SAVE.


3. Whichever material condition option you choose will now display for the shift.


How to End a Shift

To end a shift:

1. Navigate back from whatever activity you completed to the home screen.

2. Tap the End Shift icon button.


3. Tap the END SHIFT button at the bottom of the screen.


4.  The End Shift icon button will revert back to Start Shift.


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