Command Center - Viewing Critical Events

In this article we will go over how to view critical events and the display filters options in the Command Center.

How to View Critical Events in the Command Center

To view critical events in the Command Center:

1. Log onto the Guardtek web portal as an Admin or Supervisor.

2. Use the drop down menu to select the customer you want to check critical events for.

3. Click on the Command Center icon.

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4. Click on the Critical Events module. 

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The critical events page will display.


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5. Clicking the View last module drop down menu allows you to view Critical Events reported in the past 24 hours, 48 hours, 7 days, or 31 days.

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Critical Events Display Filters

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Show all data (1) 

The critical events will default to Show all data.  Clicking the Show all data drop down menu allows you the option to filter the data to Show critical data only.

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Show All - Read - Unread (2)

The critical events will default to Show All email notifications, however you also have the option to filter the data by notifications that have been Read or notifications that are Unread

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Priority (3)

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Critical events can be reported as 3 different color coded priority levels. Red is high, orange is moderate, and green is lower priority. 

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The default is to show the highest priority level (red) first.  However clicking the ascending descending buttons in the Priority column allows to view critical events in reverse order, lower priority critical events first. 

Read/Unread (4)

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The Read/Unread ascending descending buttons allow you to filter the critical events by notifications that have been read or unread.

Activity (5)

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The Activity ascending descending buttons allow you to filter the critical events by the type of Activity reported as a critical event in alpha numeric order.

Date (6)

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The Date ascending descending buttons allow you to filter the critical events by the Date it was reported in alpha numeric order.

User (7)

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The User ascending descending buttons allow you to filter the critical events by the User that reported it in alpha numeric order.

Site (8)

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The Site ascending descending buttons allow you to filter the critical events by the Site the critical event was created at in alpha numeric order.

Additional Details (9)

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The Additional Details ascending descending buttons allow you to filter the critical events by any Additional Details added to a critical event.

Actions (10)

If there is a green pencil editing icon in the Actions column you can click on it and makes edits to the report.

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Reset Table Filters (11)

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Clicking the Reset Table Filters icon will return and selected filters to their original default positions. 


Critical Event Report Options

Clicking in any area of the horizontal fields a displayed critical event will open the Activity Report. 

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At the upper left hand corner of the Activity Report there are 3 green icons that give you 3 different options.

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Option 1 Print 

Clicking the green printer icon 2023-gt-us-img (403).png will print the activity report. 

Option 2 PDF

Clicking the green Adobe Acrobat icon 2023-gt-us-img (404).png will create and download a PDF file of the activity report. 

Option 3 Email

Clicking the green paper airplane icon2023-gt-us-img (405).png  will allow you to email the activity report to a designated recipient or send it to yourself. 

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