The Command Center - The Map View Module

In this article, we will go over the Map View module in the Command Center and how to view users in the field both in real-time and historically, as well as the view display filters, GPS history, heat maps, and device information.

How to View a User in the Field in Real-Time

To view a user in the field in real-time:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web page as a Supervisor.

2. Click the Command Center icon at the right-hand side of the page.

2023-gt-us-img (413).png

3. This will bring up a secondary header of modules.  

The Map View will be the default module. 

NOTE: Without any filters selected the map will display only a GPS pin of Users currently logged onto m-Post:

2023-gt-us-img (425).png

 Color codes for Users live in the field:

2023-gt-us-img (420).png = Location saved less than 20 minutes ago

2023-gt-us-img (429).png= Location saved over 20 minutes ago

2023-gt-us-img (421).png = Location saved over 1 hour ago


Display Filters Explained

On the Map View home page, there are 5 filter options.

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These 5 filters can help you quickly find, select, and view a specific User in the field or you can select all the options to view all Users, Devices, Sites, and Critical Events in the field.

To add a filter click on the button and it will turn a light shade of gray and pin drop that filter on the map:

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NOTE: You can also click on the white sliding bars icon on the right-hand side of the header to search and view a User by Text, Security Post or Officer.

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On the Map View page there is an expandable and collapsible vertical toolbar which has 6 viewing and quick access functions:

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NOTE: When you click on a GPS pin it will automatically expand the vertical toolbar.  Clicking some of the different option icons will play a quick GIF explaining its function.

Expand the toolbar Icon  (1) 

Emergency Group Messaging (2)

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Push to Talk (3)

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Select a Device(s) (4)

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Sites (5) 

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Map (6) Clicking the Map drop-down will give you the options to view the Map as a Map with or without Terrain or view the Map as a Satellite view with or without Labels.



How to View a User in the Field Historically

To view a user in the field in historically:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web page as a Supervisor.

2. Click the Command Center icon at the right-hand side of the page.

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3. This will bring up a secondary header of modules.  

On the Map View default page use the View last drop-down box to select a specific historic time frame you want to view device activity for.

NOTE: The default is 48 Hours.

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How to View Device Information in the Map View

To view device information in the Map View:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web page as a Supervisor.

2. Click the Command Center icon at the right-hand side of the page.

2023-gt-us-img (413).png

3. This will bring up a secondary header of modules.  

The Map View will be the default module. 

4. Click on a User GPS pin. 

Clicking on a User GPS pin will open the Device Selection module with 8 device viewing options:

2023-gt-us-img (414).png

Device Name (1) This is the device name given when the device was registered (or edited).

Officer / User Name (2) The name of the officer or User using the device.

Site (3) The site location that the device is logged on at.

Device Phone Number (4) The phone number of the device.

Connectivity (5) For an Android device a red signal bar with a slash through it means the device is not connected to WiFi or data.  For an Android device with full green signal bars it means that the device connected to WiFi or data. 

NOTE: iOS devices display the red signal bar with a slash through it at all times, whether the device is connected to WiFi or data or not.

Battery Level (6)  The battery level icon indicates what the device's battery life is.
2023-gt-us-img (411).png
A green battery icon typically is 67% - 100% battery life left.
A yellow battery icon typically is 21% - 66% battery life left.
A red battery icon typically is 0% - 20% battery life left.
The battery life percentage is also displayed next to the battery icon.

Last GPS Ping (7) A date and time stamp indicates the last time the device connected to the system with GPS. 

Alert (8) The alert icon will indicate any active Lone Worker Alerts from this device.

How to View Device GPS History

To view a device's GPS history:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web page as a Supervisor.

2. Click the Command Center icon at the right-hand side of the page.

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3. This will bring up a secondary header of modules.  

The Map View will be the default module. 

4. Click on a User GPS pin. 

Clicking on a User GPS pin will open the Device Selection.

5. Click on the GPS History icon:

2023-gt-us-img (419).png

6. Click on the green calendar icon to access a history time frame:

2023-gt-us-img (417).png

7. Click on the history start date and drag to the history end date:

2023-gt-us-img (412).png

8. Play the GPS History time bar to see the GPS movement history:

2023-get-us-gif (5).gif

NOTE: In the Please Select field you can select only one User at a time to run a GPS History.  Selecting all officers will run a GPS history for multiple officers using the same device.

How to View Device Heat Maps

The Heat Map view is a great accountability tool to check on Officers at a site to verify that they are adequately paroling a site. 

To view a device heat map:

1. Log onto the GuardTek web page as a Supervisor.

2. Click the Command Center icon at the right-hand side of the page.

2023-gt-us-img (413).png

3. This will bring up a secondary header of modules.  

The Map View will be the default module. 

4. On the Map View, hold the Shift key on your keyboard and click and drag a perimeter over multiple Officer GPS pins:

2023-get-us-gif (7).gif

5. This will display all the selected devices in the Device Selection module with the GPS History icon faded out and the GPS Heat Map icon (GPS pin with flame) now enabled.

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6. Click on the GPS Heat Map icon which will give you the option to select a time frame to view the GPS Heat Map:

2023-gt-us-img (423).png

7. Click on the history start date and drag to the history end date:

2023-gt-us-img (412).png

8. There will be 4 filter and viewing options:

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Officer / m-Post User selector (1) This drop-down menu allows you to select a specific officer / m-Post User to view their Heat Map only. 

Scale (2) The scale slide bar allows you to change the scale of the Heat Map from 0 - 100.  0 being the smallest and 100 being the largest Heat Map signature.

Transparency (3) The transparency slide bar allows you to change the transparency of the Heat Map from 0 - 100.  0 being fully transparent and 100 is not transparent at all.

Heat Map signature view (4)  The heat map can be viewed 1 of 4 ways:

2023-gt-us-img (427).png       2023-gt-us-img (431).png

A Map view with or without Terrain selected and a Satellite view with or without Labels.  

You can also zoom in and view the heat map directly overlaid in relation to the property features.  For example buildings, parking lots, and landmarks.

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In this example, we can see that the Officer is spending too much time at the main entrance and the north parking lot and needs to be more visible at the memorial fountain. 

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