Tracking Keys and Assets in Real Time

This article will review how to track your keys and assets in real time.

How to Track Keys and Assets in Real Time

To track keys and assets in real-time:

1. Go to Logbook and select Asset Tracking (Real-time)


2. Status

Select Checked out to see a list of all keys/assets pending to be returned.

Select Checked in to see all keys/assets in, or leave blank if you want to see both.

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3. Post

If you manage multiple sites, you can tick the box Display all Sites to view pending keys/assets for all your sites

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4. Keys/Assets past Due Date

Any keys/assets past the due date will be highlighted by the system in red color.

The due date is determined by your selection under Max. Time Checked Out in Settings when you created the key/asset. If this field is blank, the system automatically assigns 24 hours. 

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5. Export Information 

You can also extract current logs in PDF or Excel format or view an individual record by clicking the view icon.

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