This article will review how to add a new key or asset.
NOTE: The term "key" is primarily used, but "asset" is also used in this feature to refer to any item that is inventoried or that needs to be internally checked in or out during a shift, such as a radio, fob, etc.
It is often also used when checking out items to vendors on-site.
How to Add a Key or Asset
To add a new key or asset:
1. Go to Settings Keys/Assets (Keys Loan & Check Out)
2. Choose ADD KEY by clicking the green button at the top right of the work window.
It will open a new window to fill in information.
3. Under "Type," select an existing Type or "New Type" to create a new one. If you choose "New Type," it will prompt you to enter a name, and once you save the key you are trying to create, this new type will become available on the dropdown list for future use.
"Type" allows you to create Keys Categories. Examples: Safe Keys, Exterior Keys, etc.
4. Add the name of the key or asset you want to create. It should be a distinctive name, especially if you have more than one, to avoid confusion when Security Officers search the list for the key or asset to check out on the system.
Example: Main Entrance Main Key + Main Entrance Back Up 1 + Main Entrance Back Up 2
This allows you to set the maximum time the assigned user can keep the key out. The minimum is 5 minutes, and the maximum allowed by the system is 20 hours. This field is optional and can be left blank.
However, if you select a return time, GuardTek will trigger an anomaly alert visible and/or distributed to specified users under Anomalies.
Selecting a time will also create a visual alert for the security officer if a key is not returned within the maximum time you allotted it to be out of inventory.
5. Instructions. (This is an optional field.)
NOTE: This optional field does not work with m-Post.
Add here an instruction to security officers when checking out this key
Once you have completed the fields, you can either choose Add Keys OR Create
If you choose ADD KEYS, it will prompt two new information fields where you can find a key description and a key ID/Serial number (optional fields). You then choose CREATE to complete the key creation.
Continue to add keys or assets to this set by clicking the plus icon () and entering the necessary Description and Item ID. Repeat this process as many times as required.
If you choose CREATE, it creates a key and takes you back to the main screen.