Generating new password is linked to a specific user right.
Contact your CSS or Guardtek administrator for more informations.
2. Retrieve user account a new password is needed for using the search options.
3. And click on the pencil icon in the Action column on the line of the user account.
4. This will open a frame displaying user account details with the Generate Password field.
NOTE: used passwords will always be invisible to anyone, based on the confidentiality principle but it's possible to know if a user already defined a definitive password:
This field will be empty if a definitive password has been set and used at least once.
This field will contain asterisks *** if a temporary password has been set but hasn't been replaced by a definitive one yet.
5. You can click on the Generate Password button (will generate a valid password according to your plateform security rules from Account Settings) or define a valid password yourself manually, once again valid by security rules: caracter's count (at least 8), casing, number, special caracters, ...
6. Don't forget to save your modifications by clicking on the Update button at the bottom of the frame.
7. Former password isn't valid anymore and at the next connection with the new temporary password, system will require to define a definitive password, personal and secret to its own user.