In this article we will go over the 4 part troubleshooting for the frequently asked question: Why is there no "Add an Activity Template" button when managing Activity Templates?
There is no Add an Activity Template button.
Sample screenshot with Add An Activity Template Button:
Sample screenshot with the Add An Activity Template Button missing:
This issue may occur when adding, editing or copying an Activity Template.
For a detailed review of the Activity Template options in the Settings module please see the Resource Center Article: Managing Your Activity and Incident Templates
Scenario #1
The site location is associated with the Master Site and the template was inherited.
Scenario #2
The Site is associated with Master Site, but the template is site specific.
Scenario #1
Any edits to template will have to be made on the Master Site templates and will apply to ALL sites associated.
To check Master Site status:
1. Hover over the Settings module and click the Client/Account Mgmt
2. Click on the Master Site at Level 2 of the hierarchy, indicated by M icon.
3. In the Site Details section on the right hand side of the page click on VIEW LIST OF MASTER SITES.
4. This will open a site Location Details box. Click on the green bullet point icon next to the This is a Master Site Yes/No toggle.
A new pop-up box will display sites associated with this Master Site.
A Site location can only be associated to one Master Site. The site the property location is associated with will appear greyed out.
The name of their Master Site will display below.
PRO TIP: To quickly check a large list without expanding all sites to level 2, select any Level 4, expand the dropdown next to Master Sites to show all Master Sites available, even if no level 4 sites have been assigned
Scenario #2
Ensure the user has the following rights: