Connections: Technical Considerations

Internet Connection and Blind/Black Spots

m-Post can function without the need for a constant internet connection. In this case, the device collects the data locally and then sends the information automatically once a connection is reestablished. Information will appear in the logbook with the correct time of filing recorded on the device.

However, the lack of internet connection will not allow the device to send information in real-time, nor will the device be able to use a few functions that require a request from the system. So long as the app runs (even in the background), it can transmit stored information even if no one is logged in. Cases where the user leaves the device in an area with no connection, and there is still information stored locally, should be actively avoided. Please try to start and end the day's activity in an area with a stable internet connection whenever possible.

Knowing where the "blind/black spots" are on your site can help alleviate risks associated with connection loss. We recommend you have a network professional assist you. Still, you may also find various "Network Signal" and "WiFi Analyzer" tools available for download via the Google Play Store. If this scenario is unavoidable on your site, you may need to adjust to scheduled distributions or allowances to account for the upload delays.


Cellular Connection and SIM Cards

Most modern devices use SIM Cards (Subscriber Identity Module Cards). SIM Cards establish communication between your device and your chosen phone carrier's network.

SIM Cards are transferable from one device to another, but devices can be region or network "locked," meaning they can only connect to specific regions or networks. Devices can also be "unlocked," meaning they can accept a SIM Card from any carrier.

SIM Cards also come in a few sizes:

  • Standard (or Mini)
  • Micro
  • Nano


Please ensure the SIM Card is compatible with your device. Adapters can be used to go from a smaller size to a larger one and are available from many retailers and phone carriers.




Connecting your devices via WiFi is common and should be fine. Connect it as you would any other device. 

However, if restrictions are implemented on your WiFi network, you may have to enable the following. Please review our articles on Domains and IP Addresses & Ports.

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