This article will review how to manage the parking violation module, the various violation types, sanctions and rules, and a violation group. We will also look at what parking looks like for an m-Post user and provide practical examples.
How to Add a Parking Violation Group
To create or manage a parking violation group:
1. Log onto the Guardtek module as a Supervisor
2. Click on the green plus icon to access the secondary modules
3. Hover over the Vehicles module and click Parking Violation.
4. In the Settings tab, click on Violation type groups (1)
5. Click on the green Add group button at the right-hand side of the page.
6. Type in a group name in the Name field. It is recommended you keep this simple, such as "Violations."
7. In the Combinable field, type in a time frame in days that you want officers to be able to check for violations by license plate number. Depending on the parking rules, this is typically 30, 90, or 180 days
8. Once a violation type group has been named and combinable days have been added, click the green disk icon in the Actions column to save the violation type group.
Each group serves as a base for counting violations accumulated over a period. Users can then gradually implement sanctions based on the number of times a group's violations occur.
Screenshot in English
Screenshot in French
Infractions avec sanction = Infractions with sanction = Violation type group = 365 days.
Parking Violation Types
To add a parking violation type:
1. Log onto the Guardtek module as a Supervisor
2. Click on the green plus icon to access the secondary modules
3. Hover over the Vehicles module and click Parking Violation.
4. In the Settings tab, click on Violation types (2)
5. Click on the green Add type button at the right-hand side of the page.
6. Click on the Category field and type in a category type. These will place violations into a type of violation, and you will want to create multiple categories.
For example, you might create categories such as speeding, double parked, parked in a fire lane, no permit, etc.
7. Click on the Name field and specify the violation within the category.
For example, if you created a "Speeding" category, the name might be "5 miles over." Then, you could create another violation type and name it "10 Miles over" to make the violation very specific.
8. In the Group drop-down, click on the group you created. See How to Add a Parking Violation Group
9. Once a violation type has been categorized, named, and grouped, click the green disk icon in the Actions column to save the violation type.
Screenshot in English
Screenshot in French
Violation types:
- Délit (= offense) = Sticker déplacé ou retiré (= moved or removed sticker)
- Emplacement (= location) = Emplacement interdit (= location forbidden)
How to Add Parking Violation Sanctions
To create a parking violation sanction:
1. Log onto the Guardtek module as a Supervisor
2. Click on the green plus icon to access the secondary modules
3. Hover over the Vehicles module and click Parking Violation.
4. In the Settings tab, click on Violation Sanctions (3)
5. Click on the green Add sanction button at the right-hand side of the page.
6. In the Name field, type in the desired sanction action.
For example, "Warning sticker" or "Tow after 24 hours", etc.
7. In the Exclusion field, type in to match the combinable number entered in the Parking violation group.
This is typically 30, 90, or 180 days, depending on the parking rules.
8. Select the No toggle in the Wheel Clamp and Send Email N+1 columns and click the green disk save icon to save the violation sanction.
Screenshot in French
Violation sanctions:
- Avertir le superviseur, exclure le véhicule (= notify the supervisor, exclude the vehicle) = Exclusion ? 15 days
- Coller un sticker Qr-Code (= put a Qr-Code sticker) = Exclusion ? No
How to Add Parking Violation Rules
To create a parking violation rule:
1. Log onto the Guardtek module as a Supervisor
2. Click on the green plus icon to access the secondary modules
3. Hover over the Vehicles module and click Parking Violation.
4. In the Settings tab, click on Violation Rules (4)
5. Click on the green Add Rule button at the right-hand side of the page.
6. In the Type drop-down, select a violation.
In the Min Occurrence field type, a violation is to be noted in the minimum times before a sanction is triggered.
In the Max Occurrence field, type in the maximum number of times a volition is to be noted and still trigger the same sanction.
In the Sanction drop-down, select from the sanctions already created.
In the Event drop-down, select an activity template for the m-Post user to fill out when filling out the sanction.
7. Once completed, click the green disk save icon to save the violation rule.
Screenshot in English
Screenshot in French
An example:
The first and second time a vehicle is incorrectly parked (= emplacement interdit) = sanction = "Put a Qr-Code sticker. " The agent must also write the event report C07-DIVERS / Test.
From the 3rd time and until the end of the year, sanction = "Notify the supervisor, exclude the vehicle" (and write the same report)
Here, the penalty implies a 15-day exclusion*, reflected in the "Vehicles" tab, displaying the date when the vehicle is excluded.
Finally, the exclusion penalty is applied from the first time the sticker is taken off.
Because these infractions above are in the same violation group (infractions avec sanctions), they all impact and increase the violation counter of this group.
See the screenshots below to summarize:
- I park incorrectly = ‘’emplacement interdit’’, sanction = I receive a sticker = ‘’Coller un sticker QrCode’’
- I take off the sticker = ‘’Sticker déplacé ou retiré’’, sanction = I am excluded = ‘’avertir le superviseur, exclure le véhicule’’
Fifteen days later (exclusion time), again, I parked incorrectly: I was excluded because I had three violations of the same group. After 365 days, the counter returns to 0, and I can park incorrectly again (2 times without being excluded).
These rules allow m-Post to self-calculate the sanction, relieving agents of learning from all combinations. They must know what to do for each sanction and follow what m-Post tells them.
Once the configuration is completed, the vehicles tab displays all vehicles with at least one reported violation in m-Post.
The violation tab displays the complete list of reported violations.
Viewing Parking on m-Post
On m-Post, the menu entry appears on the left-hand menu when violation rules are configured on the site.
See the below screenshots for the search by license plate. M-Post displays the list of known violations if the vehicle has already had violations:
If users search by Qr-Code scan (or by approaching an NFC tag to their phone) in the first screen above, m-Post displays the same information, but in addition, shows a star in front of the related violation to this Qr-Code or NFC tag:
In the event report, the checkpoint that was scanned to create this report:
By clicking on the link/name of the tour checkpoint, it will open the tour that is related to this checkpoint.
When the event report is written and linked to a piece of equipment, this is displayed like this:
To write an event report and associate it with a piece of equipment:
From the main screen, go to the reports and select the report to write – users will get to this page:
By pressing the blue icon, users will find the list of equipment. In this list, they can either scroll through it and select an item or click the "QR-Code" button to scan the equipment tag. The selected equipment is then displayed on the start report screen. Users can finally start writing the event report as they usually do.
To attach an event report to a tour tag.
- As usual, users create their tour checkpoints from m-Post by scanning barcodes.
- Then, in Post, for each tour tag, users have to associate it with an event form.
- Start the tour in m-Post
- Scan tags
- For each tag linked to an event report, m-Post will write the selected report.
- Users will automatically have the report in the logbook with the associated tag.
To deal with parking infractions and reattach a Qr-Code:
- Go to the left menu and select "Parking."
- Fill in the license plate number.
- Declare the violation
- Associate a Qr-Code (or an NFC tag)
To search for the vehicle attached to a Qr-Code:
- In the main parking management page (the first above), press the "Qr-Code" button to scan (also works by approaching an NFC tag to the phone)
- If the tag is known, it will show the next page
- Here, we display the license plate attached to the QrCode; below are the details of the corresponding violation.