In this article we will go over how Trackforce Support and Success specialist can log onto Gaurdtek with Support access and grant access for a client to change the global and individual site default schedule settings so they can schedule more than just guards and site managers.
NOTE: By default only guards and site managers are allowed to be scheduled. If a client needs to schedule other users, (i.e. Supervisors or others), the default must be changed in settings by a Success Manager or by a Support Specialist logged on as Support.
- How to Change the Global Default Schedule Settings
- How to Change the Default Schedule Settings for a Single Property
How to Change the Global Default Schedule Settings
To change the global default schedule settings:
1. Log onto the Guardtek web portal as a Support user.
2. Hover over the Settings module and click Account Settings.
3. Click on the Shifts module.
4. In the Profiles that can be scheduled section toggle the Yes No of the user(s) that you want to be able to schedule by clicking the Yes option.
5. Once the user(s) you want to be able to schedule have been selected, click the green Update button at the bottom right hand corner.
How to Change the Default Schedule Settings for a Single Property
To change the default schedule settings for a single property:
1. Log onto the Guardtek web portal as a Support user.
2. Hover over the Settings module and click Client/Account Mgmt.
3. Locate the site you want to be able to adjust the schedule settings for and expand the hierarchy to level 4 and click on it.
4. Clicking on level 4 (Post) will open the Security Post Details module. Click on the SCHEDULE OPTIONS module.
5. In the pop up window, in the Profiles that can be scheduled section toggle the Yes No of the user(s) that you want to be able to schedule by clicking the Yes option.
6. Once the user(s) you want to be able to schedule have been selected, click the green Enter button at the bottom right hand corner.