This article will review how to manage the schedules module in GuardTek.
NOTE: By default, only guards and site managers can be scheduled. If you need to schedule other users (i.e., Supervisors or others), your Success Manager or a Support Specialist must change the default in settings.
- How to Schedule a Shift
- How to Assign a User to a Scheduled Shift Using Security Officer Scheduling
- How to Assign a User to a Scheduled Shift Using Guard Post Scheduling
- How to Delete Shifts
- How to Set up Email Notifications for a Schedule
How to Schedule a Shift
NOTE: Shifts are set up specific to a site. Make sure that the site you are setting up a schedule for is what has been selected:
To schedule a shift:
1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as a Supervisor.
2. Click on the green plus button to access the secondary modules.
3. Hover over the Schedules module and click Security Officer Scheduling.
4. On the scheduling calendar page, click the drop-down menus and select the user (1) you want to schedule and the month (2) and year (3) you want to schedule them for.
5. Once the user, month, and year have been selected, click the green Add Shifts (4) button.
6. In the Add Shift pop-up window, the Function (1) drop-down menu will be accessible or not based on the Job Skills listed for the scheduled user.
For details on adding Job Skills for a user, please take a look at the Help Center article Adding and Editing a Worker Card.
NOTE: If no Job Skills have been added for the user, the Function drop-down will not be accessible.
7. Click on the green Start Date calendar icon (2) and the green End Date calendar icon (3) to create a scheduled time frame/date range.
8. You can select four scheduling options in the Applies drop-down menu.
Every Day
Selecting the Every Day option will give you 2 Shifts options:
2 X 12 hours
3 X 8 hours
NOTE: When multiple shift start and end option boxes exist, ALL fields must have a time entered. If all areas do not have a time entered, the system will auto-populate them, creating an error.
Every day but weekends/holidays
Selecting the Every day but weekends / holidays option will give you 3 Shifts options:
Every Night
Selecting the Every Night option will give you 1 Shifts options:
Other (schedule days individually)
Selecting the Other (schedule days individually) option will give you a beginning and ending Shifts option for each day of the week:
NOTE: The scheduled start and end times must be entered in 24-hour / Military time.
9. Once the desired selection has been made, click on the green Enter button at the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up box.
10. The scheduled shifts will now appear on the calendar in red with a blank checkbox to the left of the start and end times:
How to Assign a User to a Scheduled Shift Using Security Officer Scheduling
To assign a user to a scheduled shift using security officer scheduling:
1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as a Supervisor.
2. Click on the green plus button to access the secondary modules.
3. Hover over the Schedules module and click Security Officer Scheduling.
4. Select the month and year (1) from the drop-down menu you want to schedule a shift. This will populate the calendar for the month selected.
5. Select the user you want to schedule the shift for (2).
6. Click on the checkbox (3) for the start and end time of the shift on the calendar day you want to schedule the user.
NOTE: When selected, the checkbox will have a blue checkmark, and the shift start and end time will turn red to black.
7. Click on the following user (2) you want to schedule and click on the checkbox (3) for the start and end time of the shift on the calendar day you wish to schedule that user for.
NOTE: Once a shift has been assigned and you select new users to schedule, the assigned shifts will disappear from the calendar and not be available to assign.
How to Assign a User to a Scheduled Shift Using Guard Post Scheduling
To assign a user to a scheduled shift using guard post scheduling:
1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as a Supervisor.
2. Click on the green plus button to access the secondary modules.
3. Hover over the Schedules module and click Guard Post Scheduling.
4. Click on the month and year drop-down menus to select the month and year you are scheduling for.
NOTE: Shifts that are not covered will be listed in the left-hand Security Officer column as Not covered in red, and shifts that have been assigned will be listed by the assigned user in the Security Officer column in black.
5. Click on a shift start and end time in the day and date column you want to assign.
6. This will open a pop-up window and allow you to click the Security Officer drop-down menu to assign the shift.
7. Once the desired user has been selected, click the green Assign this person button.
NOTE: If a shift assignment needs to be changed, you can also click the green Delete Assignment button, which will make the shift Not covered again and make it eligible for reassignment. The shift can also be deleted by clicking the green Delete Shift button.
The home page also allows you to Add Shifts by clicking the green button at the top right-hand corner and download a PDF file of the schedule by clicking the green Export to PDF button at the top left-hand corner.
Sample Schedule PDF:
How to Delete Shifts
To delete shifts:
1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as a Supervisor.
2. Click on the green plus button to access the secondary modules.
3. Hover over the Schedules module and click Delete Shifts.
4. In the Search pop-up window, select a start and end date by clicking on the green calendar icons and then click the green Search button.
NOTE: You can delete shifts by individual users by clicking the Security Officer drop-down menu and selecting a specific user's shift to delete, or you can click the green Search button to access the list of all shifts created for that particular site.
5. The Guard Post and Security Officer assigned to it by Start of Shift and End of Shift will display.
6. You can select an individual shift by clicking the checkbox in the far right column or All by clicking the left checkbox in the far right header column. You can also clear the All selection to None by clicking the right checkbox in the far right header column.
7. This will allow you to Delete Assignments or Delete Shifts at the bottom right-hand corner.
NOTE: Clicking the green Delete Assignments button will remove individual users from the shift assignment and leave the shift(s) available for reassignment. Clicking the green Delete Shifts button will completely delete the shift.
How to Set up Email Notifications for a Schedule
To set up email notifications for a schedule:
1. Log onto the GuardTek web portal as a Supervisor.
2. Click on the green plus button to access the secondary modules.
3. Hover over the Schedules module and click Email Notifications.
4. Click on the green Add new... button at the right-hand side of the page.
5. In the Activity section, click on the Event drop-down menu and select the desired triggering event:
6. In the Recipient's Address section, select the recipient from the GuardTek User, Employee categories or create a new contact by selecting the Other Contact option.
7. The Notifications Settings section drop-down, the menu will only allow for email notifications.
Enter the email address in the email field and type an email subject line in the Email Subject Line field.
8. Click the green Add button at the bottom right-hand corner.