Creating a GuardTek Shift Schedule

This article will review how to schedule a shift in GuardTek.

NOTE: when a user starts and ends a shift in GuardTek, if no schedule was previously assigned to that user, GuardTek logs a shift equaling the times worked.

Scheduling shifts lets you set up automatic notifications if someone is late starting their shift and create attendance reporting comparing actual hours worked versus scheduled times.

How to Add a Shift Schedule

To add a shift schedule:

1. Go to Portal and click the Plus Icon 2023-gt-en-mpost-scheduling-set_up-creating_schedule (9).png on the main menu.

Under Schedules Module, select Guard Post Scheduling.

2023-gt-en-mpost-scheduling-set_up-creating_schedule (14).png

When you log into this menu, it automatically displays the existing shifts for the current month.

You can change your month option to view or extract a PDF for previous or future months.

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Remember to check the site on the sites list if you are scheduling for multiple sites.

2023-gt-en-mpost-scheduling-set_up-creating_schedule (1).png

2. Click on Add Shift.

2023-gt-en-mpost-scheduling-set_up-creating_schedule (2).png

3. Complete the details on the new pop-up page


  • Click on the calendar icon and set a date by clicking on a date in the calendar.
  • You are unable to create schedules for past dates. The dates will show crossed out.
  • You can create shifts to a maximum of one year in advance.

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The options work in tandem to assist in creating different types of shifts, from pre-set templates to personalized options.

Depending on your needs, you can use multiple combinations.

  •    Every Day: This is an excellent option to use when you have 24/7 shifts to create. If you select Every Day, you will have two pre-shifts to choose from:

2023-gt-en-mpost-scheduling-set_up-creating_schedule (4).png

  •  Every Day but weekends/holidays: This is a good option when you have regular shifts during working days. If you select Every Day but weekends/holidays, you will have three pre-shifts to choose from:

2023-gt-en-mpost-scheduling-set_up-creating_schedule (5).png

  • Every Night: This is a good option when you have seven days a week night shifts. If you select Every Night, you will have one pre-shift to choose from:

2023-gt-en-mpost-scheduling-set_up-creating_schedule (6).png

  • Other (scheduled days individually): This option is good for rotating time shifts or designing tailored shifts. If you select Other, you will have a week's calendar to choose from:

2023-gt-en-mpost-scheduling-set_up-creating_schedule (7).png

4. Once you have created your shifts, they will be displayed on the main page. The shifts will state Not Covered under Security Officer until assigned to an operative.

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