Searching Through the Logbook

 In this article, we will go over how to view activity in the Logbook, how the filter the reported activity for viewing and exporting, and the exporting options for reports, issues, incidents, and events.

How to View Activity in the Logbook 

To view activity in the Logbook:

1. Log onto your Guardtek Home Page.

2. Select the property location drop-down menu at the upper right-hand corner to verify or select the property location you want to view the Logbook for.

3. Hover over the Logbook module and click on

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The Logbook page is divided into 3 sections: Report Filters, Export Reports, and View Reports.  


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The View Reports section takes up the vast majority of the Logbook page and you will be able to scroll down and view all activity in chronological order with the last activity reported appearing at the top of the list. 

NOTE: The reports displayed for viewing default to the last 24 hours.  This view can be filtered to be viewed in a variety of ways and will be explained in the subheading, Report Filter Options.

There are 7 viewing options:

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The empty checkbox icon (1) column at the far left allows you to check the header box or the reports individually.  Selecting all, a single report or multiple reports will allow you to use the Add to Case and Create new case buttons (2)

No Selection                                   with Reports Selected

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NOTE: See this article for more information on using the Case Management features: Linking Reports from the Logbook to a Case

The 2nd column (3) displays a quick view icon that identifies the type of report being viewed in the Activity (4) column. 

Some examples: 

2023-gt-us-img (779).png quick view icon for Start of Tour  2023-gt-us-img (761).png quick view icon for End of Tour

2023-gt-us-img (778).png quick view icon for Start of Break  2023-gt-us-img (760).png quick view icon for End of Break

2023-gt-us-img (774).png quick view icon for a Reported Issue, incident, or event.

The Activity (4) column displays the type of activity reported with a quick view color code to indicate the priority level set in the Activity Template:  Green = Routine  Orange = Cautionary   Red = High Priority

NOTE: In the context of Tours, Green = a completed Tour (Minimums met) Red = Tour ended incomplete. 

The Date/Time (5) column displays the date and time when that event was created.  

The Device User (6) column displays the User that created the report.

The Addl. Information (7) column displays additional information to explain the event. For Activity Templates, you can customize what information will display here.

For further information on how to configure the additional information from an Activity Template see the Article: How to Customize an Activity Template


Report Filter Options

The Report Filters section allows you to change the report activity in the View Reports section.

There are 9 options in the Report Filters section:

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NOTE: The View Reports section defaults to a view of the past 24 hours based on the Display the Last (2) option. You can change the 24-hour default by clicking the Display the Last (2) drop-down and selecting 48 h or 72 h.

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To set a custom time frame to View Reports for, click on the Period From/To (1) field to access the calendar and time clock.

Click on the day on the calendar you want to start the date range from.


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NOTE: You can click the back arrow at the top left-hand corner or select a month from the month drop-down to access previous months in your custom time range.  You can also select a previous year using the back arrow at the top left-hand corner or select the year in the year drop-down.

Use the sliding hour and minute indicators to specify the time you want your custom View Reports to start from.  The Time displayed will change to reflect where the hour and minute indicators are set to.

NOTE: If not adjusted the Time will default to the current time.  This is important to note when setting up a View Report for a previous date to make sure the entire day or shift is included.

NOTE: You also have the option the click the Now button at the bottom left-hand corner to auto-populate the Period To to the current date and time. 

Once the date and time range has been selected click the Done button at the bottom right-hand corner.


If the Hide Assignment (3) is unchecked, you will see when a device has been assigned/unassigned as an event in the logbook. This is just showing when a user logs in and out of a mobile device.

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If the Show Last Status (4) is checked the logbook will only display the last occurrence of an activity.  For example the logbook would display the end of a Tour but not the start of tour.

The Filter by Officer (5) drop-down option will allow you to look at just the activity of a specific Officer within the specific time range that has been selected.

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NOTE: Only the users that created events for this logbook in the given date range selected, would be available.

The Filter by Report (6) drop-down option will allow you to select just one specific activity within the specific time range that has been selected, to be displayed in the View Reports section.

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NOTE: You can Filter by Officer and Report simultaneously for very refined data searches.  In such cases for example, when a client asks, "How many Tours did Officer Smith conduct in July 2020?" you can quickly provide that information. 

The Filter by Activity Types(7) drop-down will allow you to filter by specific Activity Types (e.g. Tours, Incidents, Activity Reports, DAR Entries, etc.)

If there is an activity you do not want to see in the View Reports section you can deselect it by clicking on the blue check-mark of the specific activity. 

NOTE: You can select a combination of as many or as few of the Activities as you like for general or refined Activity searches.

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The Filter by Addl. Information (8) field allows you to type in a keyword or phrase as it appears in the Addl. Information column and see only the reports, issues, incidents, and events matching that keyword or phrase.

Type in the keyword or phrase and then click the green Refresh Table (9) button to filter.

To go back to a full view of the View Reports section click on the Filter by Addl. Information field and remove the keyword or phrase and then click the green Refresh Table button.

The Auto Refresh (9) box will enable the logbook table to periodically refresh and load any new events.

Once edits are made in the Report Filter Options box click the green Refresh table (10) button to save and implement the changes.


How to Export Reports

 Once you have set your Reports Filters you can export the reports, issues, incidents, and events as a PDF file or CSV file.  There are 3 options in the Export Reports section of the Logbook page.

We will also go over a 4th option in the View Reports section.

2023-gt-us-img (762).pngThe Include detail (1) box defaults to un-checked and clicking the green Export to Excel (2) or Export to PDF (3) buttons with it un-checked will export the data exactly as seen in the View Reports section.

For example, here is the Excel spreadsheet from the screen-shot above by clicking the green Export to Excel with the Include details box un-checked:

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Here is the PDF from the screen-shot above by clicking the green Export to PDF with the Include details box un-checked:

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When you click the Export to PDF (3) button with the Include detail (1) box checked it will export all the data included with that report, issue, incident, or event.

For example, here is the PDF from the screen-shot above by clicking the green Export to PDF with the Include details box checked:

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NOTE: in the example above there was only one activity in the View Reports section.  Based on the Report Filters there are typically several entries that can be exported to an Excel Spreadsheet or PDF file.  This may increase download times.

The 4th export option can be accessed by clicking on any of the fields of the specific report, issue, incident, or event. 

Hover over the report, issue, incident, or event in any column (Icon, Activity, Date/Time, Device User, or Addl. Information) and the entire horizontal column will turn a darker shade of grey.  When it does click the field.

A Pop-up box will display the report, issue, incident, or event with several green icons at the top left-hand side:

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You can click the green Adobe Acrobat logo icon to export the report as a PDF file. The other options highlighted include Print, Email, and for this example, Unlink from a case.

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