In this article, we will go over what is a case, how to create a new case by linking reports from the logbook to a case, and how to manage a case.
- What is the Case Feature?
- How to Link Reports from the Logbook to a New Case
- How to Link Reports from the Logbook to an Existing Case
- How to Manage a Case
- How to Un-Link an Activity Report from a Case
- Linking Reports from the Logbook to a Case - Alternate Option
What is a Case?
The + Create new case feature allows you to link multiple activity reports together that may be part of an investigation or related incident.
For example, let's say an m-Post User is doing a Tour and misses a checkpoint because he notices a leak and reports that activity and then creates an incident for the maintenance supervisor.
You can link the missed checkpoint report to the reported leak and the maintenance activity report all together for a quick descriptive answer as to why the checkpoint was missed.
The Add to case option allows you to link additional activity reports to an existing case.
How to Link Reports from the Logbook to a New Case
To link reports from the logbook to a case:
1. Log onto your Guardtek Home Page as a Supervisor.
2. From the GuardTek dashboard select the property location drop-down menu at the upper right-hand corner to verify or select the desired property location.
3. Hover over the Logbook module to access the drop-down menu and click on Logbook.
4. In the checkbox column select the events you wish to combine into a new case by clicking the checkbox next to each activity report.
5. Once all the activity reports for the new case have been selected click the green + Create new case button at the top right-hand corner of the page:
6. In the Pop-up box, you can add a descriptive name to the Case number by clicking the case number field and typing in the description then click SAVE NAME:
7. Once activity reports have been linked to case the checkbox option disappears and there will be a gray link icon in the far right column.
How to Link Reports from the Logbook to an Existing Case
(Follow the log in steps as outlined above)
To link a report from the logbook to an existing case:
1. In the checkbox, the column selects the activity reports you wish to combine into an existing case by clicking the checkbox next to the activity report(s).
2. Once the activity report(s) has been selected click the green Add to case button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
3. In the pop-up box find the case number, click on it and it will highlight the case selected.
4. Click ADD TO CASE at the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up box.
How to Manage a Case
To manage a case:
1. Log onto your Guardtek Home Page as a Supervisor.
2. From the GuardTek dashboard select the property location drop-down menu at the upper right-hand corner to verify or select the desired property location.
3. Hover over the Logbook module to access the drop-down menu and click on Case Management.
4. The Case Management home page:
The Search (1) field allows you to type in the Case Name, Case Number, or Date to instantly pull up a specific case when you have a long list of cases on multiple pages.
The Case Name (2) column lists the cases in numeric order based on the Case Number even if you have renamed it.
The Case number (3) column lists the cases based on the original Case Number it was assigned in the order it was created.
The Date/Time of First Update (4) column displays the date and time the case was first updated.
The Date/Time of Last Update (5) column displays the date and time the case was last updated.
The Number of Items (6) column lists the number of activity reports in the case.
In the Actions (7) column you can click on the gray trashcan icon of the case you want to delete in the horizontal column. This will bring up a confirmation box:
To delete a case click the green DELETE button.
The page indicator (8) allows you to move forward and back between multiple pages.
5. Click on any horizontal field of a case on the Case Management home page.
This will display a pop-up box with 2 tabs. The Linked items tab lists the linked activity reports of the case and Case History.
The pop-up box default display is the Linked items tab.
6. On the Linked items page click on the blue activity report in the Item column.
This will pop-up the activity report which can be printed, exported to a PDF file, or emailed by clicking the icons at the top left-hand corner of the pop-up box.
The activity report cannot be linked to another case while linked. The green link icon will have a slash line through it indicating that it is linked.
On the Case history tab, click on the blue activity report in the Item column.
This will pop-up the activity report which can be printed, exported to a PDF file, or emailed by clicking the icons at the top left-hand corner of the pop-up box.
The activity report cannot be linked to another case while linked. The green link icon will have a slash line through it indicating that it is linked.
NOTE: You can also click on the individual linked activity reports in the Item column of the Logbook to view the report.
How to Un-Link an Activity Report from a Case
To un-link an activity from a case:
1. Log onto your Guardtek Home Page as a Supervisor.
2. From the GuardTek dashboard select the property location drop-down menu at the upper right-hand corner to verify or select the desired property location.
3. Hover over the Logbook module to access the drop-down menu and click on Case Management.
4. Click on any horizontal field of the case you want to unlink an activity report from.
5. Click the checkbox to the left of the activity report you want to delete from the case and an UNLINK FROM CASE option button will appear:
6. Click the blue UNLINK FROM CASE button.
Linking Reports from the Logbook to a Case - Alternate Option
To link reports from the logbook to a case using an alternate option:
1. Log onto your Guardtek Home Page as a Supervisor.
2. From the GuardTek dashboard select the property location drop-down menu at the upper right-hand corner to verify or select the desired property location.
3. Hover over the Logbook module to access the drop-down menu and click on Logbook.
4. Click the activity report in the Activity column that you want to add to an existing case or create a new case for.
NOTE: Activity reports that are already linked to a case will have a link icon in the far right column and will not have a checkbox option in the far left column.
5. In the pop-up box you can click the green Link + icon at the top left to add the activity to an existing case or click the green Folder + icon to create a new case:
If you clicked on the green Link + icon a pop-up box will display the available cases. Find the case number, click on it and it will gray the field indicating it was selected.
Click ADD TO CASE at the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up box.
If you clicked the green Folder + icon you will get the Linked items and the Case History pops up box displaying the newly created case: