Create a Push-to-talk (PTT) channel from a Lone Worker alert

Learn how to create a PTT channel to communicate with employees who trigger a Lone Worker alert. 


Establish efficient verbal communication with employees in distress from the command center. This will increase worker safety and decrease dispatch reaction time. You can create an ad-hoc PTT channel from two locations in the Command Center.

Before you start

Here are some things you must do before you start:

  • Set up Lone Worker Protections
  • Enable push-to-talk on the device your staff will use:

    • Select Settings
    • Choose Equipment Mgmt
    • Choose the device
    • Select the pencil icon to edit
    • Change Activate Push To Talk to Yes

Create a PTT channel from the map

  • To create a channel from the map, go to  Logbook > Command Center > Map
    Select the icon displaying the warning sign.

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  • This opens a panel to the left of the map.
  • Choose the Microphone icon.

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  • The channel is automatically created between the user in distress and the command center. The channel name combines the Command Center user and the type of alert.

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Create a PTT channel from the device list

To create a channel from the device list:

  • Go to Logbook > Command Center > Devices.  
  • Select the Warning icon in the Active Alarm column. The pop-up displays the last alert and known location.
  • Select the Microphone icon to establish a PTT channel and communicate with the worker who is in distress.

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You can now communicate directly with the worker in distress through push-to-talk (PTT).


See also

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