Add an Equipment

Next to mPost, Patrol, ... licences you can also save in the system any type of object/asset present on post. It might be protective gear (helmet, glasses, ...), tools (torch, computer, printer, radio, ...) or any object you'd like a follow-up for, a cyclic status (customer properties, badges, vehicles, ...).


1. Go to Onsite Equipments under Settings menu.

2. First make sure you're on the right Guardroom using the drop-down menu in upper right corner.

3. Click on Add Equipment in upper right corner.

4. 4 fields are mandatory and 4 optional:

System Type: select here Onsite Equipment (other option is exclusive for Guardtek licenced devices).
Equipment: Name clearly the object.
Serial number/IMEI: Use this field to add a serial number or any useful reference (optional).
Quantity: define here a number when there are several objects.
Condition: encode here the condition when set on site. Users will have to report equipment condition when they start their shifts.
Description (opt.): provide, if required, a brief description (optional).
Tag: this field is useless from here, please go to NFC Tags page and choose Material to link it.

5. When all mandatory fields are completed click on Create to save the object and go back to the list.

Note: you can create as many Equipment you want. Those will appear to users to communicate their status.
Notifications can be configured (see this article) to be notified in case of anomaly.

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