Follow and unfollow release notes

Learn how to follow and unfollow release notes in the Help Center.



Monthly releases are documented and shared publicly in the Help Center to show what we’ve released.

Guardtek release notes.png

To find the latest or past release notes, go to GuardTek & Smartforce and, in Browse by solution, select Release notes.

Follow release notes

Release notes are a great way to see what was released monthly and are published on the last business day of each month.

To subscribe to release notes:

  1. Go to GuardTek & Smartforce.
  2. Select Sign in and enter your TrackTik Support email address and password.
    • If you don’t have an account, select Sign up. Enter your details and follow the directions.
    • If you forgot your password, select Forgot my password. Enter your details and follow the directions.

      GT help center sign in.png

  3. In Browse by solution, select Release notes.

    Guardtek release notes.png
  4. Choose the current year.
  5. Select Follow > New articles.

    GT release notes new articles.png

An email notification isn’t sent to confirm your subscription, but you get an email notification in your inbox the next time a set of release notes is published.

You can use these steps to follow any articles in the Help Center.


Unfollow release notes

You can unfollow the release notes by going to the last email notification in your inbox and select If you want to stop these notifications click here.

To help you find the latest email, you can search for TrackTik Support <> in your inbox.

You can unsubscribe manually if you don’t have access to an email notification.

To unfollow release notes:

  1. Go to GuardTek & Smartforce.
  2. Select Sign in and enter your TrackTik Support email address and password. Make sure to sign in with the email address that is subscribed to the release notes notification.
    • If you forgot your password, select Forgot my password. Enter your details and follow the directions.

      GT help center sign in.png

  3. In Browse by solution, select Release notes.

    Guardtek release notes.png
  4. Choose the year you’re subscribed to.
  5. Select Following > Unfollow.

    GT release notes unfollow.png


You won’t receive an email to confirm your unsubscription, but you’re now unsubscribed from publications in this section.


See also

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