How to Check Activities Log in GuardTek - Logbook

In this article we will go over how to check activities in the GuardTek logbook.

NOTE: All activities done by users on POST, MPOST or PATROL solutions are logged on the Logbook.

How to Access the Logbook

To access the logbook:

1. Log onto your GuardTek web portal.

2. Hover over the Logbook module and click Logbook.

IMPORTANT: In case you have access to multiple sites, please select your site (top right corner)

How to Retrieve Log Entry Details

To retrieve log entry details: 

Click on the clipboard icon of the entry you wish to retrieve.

Log Entry Detail Options

Once you have opened the detailed log report there are 3 options :

1. Print :

2. Download as PDF :

3. Send the report via E-mail :

Type the email recipient and click send. If you choose the email option, it will add the company logo to the body email and to the report.

Report Filters

You can expand your search period or filter results:

Period (1) 

Click on From/To fields to open the calendar and select your start/end date and time


Hide Assignment (2)

Untick the box to see log entries regarding users connecting or disconnecting from MPOST

Filter by Officer (3)

This allows you to filter by user who created the activityIt will only display names with results within selected period.


Filter by Report (4)

This allows you to filter by a tour or activity template. It will only display names with results within selected period. To remove the filter just select the blank line at top of the list.

Filter by Activity Type (5)

This allows you to filter by type of events.

Filter by Additional Information (6)

This allows you to filter key words on the Additional Information column. This would include the automatic unique reference number (in case is activated).

Refresh (7)

Click the box to enable auto refresh


How to Export Data

Use the Export Excel and Export PDF to export data according to selected period and filters.

Include Detail allows to have a detailed PDF extract. It will include photos and video links for activity or incident templates. Its restricted to maximum period of a week.


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