Managing an Existing Tour

In this article we will go over how to manage the Tour details and Tags for an existing checkpoint Tour. 

How to Manage an Existing Tour

To manage an existing checkpoint Tour:

1. Log in to your Guardtek web portal,

2. Hover over the Settings module and click Tours:

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3. On the Tours page find the Tour in the Tour Name column that you want to manage and click the green pencil icon in the Edit column:

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This will take you to the Tour Details and Tags managing options.  In the Tour Details box you can make general decisions about the Tour, and in the Tags box you have editing options for each individual checkpoint. 

We will go over the edit options in Tour Details first.

Managing Tour Details

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1. The Tour Name field allows you to change, rename, the checkpoint Tour.

2. The Category drop-down lets you select from your existing categories or select New Type and create a new one and name it.  This will label the Tour into a easily identifiable reporting sort in reporting metrics.  Keep the data organized.

3. The Duration field allows you to change the amount of time the checkpoint Tour is expected to be completed in.  If the tour is not completed when the Tour is scheduled to conclude an anomaly notification "end time overdue".  Safety issue to check on officers.

4. The Grace Period field allows you to set or change the amount of time before an anomaly is triggered if a scheduled Tour has not been started on time.  If no Grace Period is set an anomaly is triggered 1 minute after the scheduled start time if no checkpoint tag is scanned.  This allows you quickly know if a Tour has not been started on time and if not, find out why. 

NOTE: For scheduled tours only. This creates an allowable time range to start the tour.  Example: A tour scheduled to start at 12:00 and with a 15 minute Grace Period will need to be started between 12:00 and 12:15.

To add a Grace Period, type in the time in the hh:mm format.  For example, a Grace Period of 15 minutes would be entered as 00:15.

5. The On screen instructions is the message the officer will see before the start of a Tour.  This can include general instruction or safety bulletins or reminds.  This field can be left blank or edited. 

6. The Tour System drop-down indicates the equipment being used to do the Tour.  Most commonly you will use m-Post/sonim.

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                         Active Guard - Do not use.  Based on an Active Guard License 

                         Legacy - Do Not use.  Based previous software.

                         M-Post/Sonim - Use for all Android, iOS and Sonim devices

                         None - If selected the Tour can only be done from Post

7.  Is position tracking only.  The No toggle option is the default.  If it left as No checkpoints of the Tour are fixed. 

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When the Yes toggle option is selected the Tour Details options will change.  The Yes toggle option for is position tracking only creates a GPS pin at specific intervals that are set in the Position tracking interval (seconds) in the field below.

Using the Yes option is a great way to track mobile users by GPS ping intervals where scanning a fixed Checkpoint Tag is impractical. 

The Can change tour name Yes / No toggle defaults to No and does not allow for anyone other than the creator of the Tour to be able to update the name of the Tour.

8. The Minimum # of tags for Complete Tour let's the user decide to change the number of checkpoint that must be scanned for a Tour to be considered complete.  The  default is 0. 

When a minimum number is selected and a Tour is submitted as complete without scanning that minimum, the officer will be required to explain why on the m-Post app.

9. When the Yes / No toggle for Activate GPS Position (for each tag) is selected Yes this records the GPS location when a checkpoint is scanned and also a satellite photo in the Tour report is added to create a breadcrumb trail.

10. The Yes / No toggle for the Hide missed tags in reports can be changed to either show missed checkpoints in the reports (No) or report only the checkpoints that were scanned (Yes).

11. By selecting Yes for the Send Anomaly When Gps Position is Missed  Yes / No option an anomaly notification will be generated and sent when a checkpoint is scanned outside its set perimeter. 

NOTE: The Yes option cannot be selected until a set location is created for each checkpoint tag. 

12. The Reading perimeter field allows you to add or change the distance in feet that the checkpoint tag must be scanned within.  If a checkpoint tag is scanned outside of the set perimeter it will trigger an anomaly notification when the Send Anomaly When Gps Position is Missed field above has the Yes option selected.

13. The Can change tour name Yes / No toggle defaults to No and does not allow for anyone other than the creator of the Tour to be able to update the name of the Tour.

Selecting the Yes toggle option allows other Users to change the Tour name.

Managing Tags - Quick Edits - Rename, Position, Delete

You can click on the green icons on the Tags dashboard to make quickly make edits. 

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To edit a Tag Name click the green pencil icon next to Tag Name:

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Click the field box of the checkpoint Tag you wish to rename and rename it.  Once the Tag(s) has been renamed save the change(s) by clicking the floppy disk (save) icon.  If you click the X in the green circle icon your edits will not be saved.

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To change the order that checkpoint Tags are organized, you can click on the green directional arrows in the fields in the Position # column.  You also can click on the green pencil icon to open an editable field to change the order the Tags are to be displayed.  If you change the order by clicking the green pencil icon you must save your changes by clicking the floppy disk (save) icon.

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To quick delete a checkpoint Tag you can check the box of the checkpoint Tag you want to delete and then click the green trash can icon.

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Managing Tags - How to Add, Edit

To add a Tag to an existing Tour click on the green Add box at the top right of the Tags header.  Fill in the required information and click the second Add button at the lower right-hand corner.

NOTE: The new Tag will automatically default to be scanned as the last checkpoint Tag scan.

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To edit a checkpoint Tag click the green pencil icon in green trash can column. 

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In the edit pop-up box you can edit the following:

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1. The checkpoint Tag serial number

2. The Tag Name should be a description of where the checkpoint 

3. The Comments / Instructions are what you want to officer to read before they start the Tour.  This could 

4. The Activity template in the Linked Report drop-down will trigger the activity template chosen when they scan that checkpoint.  For example: scanning multiple fire extinguishers will trigger a "Fire extinguisher inspection checklist" report the officer will need to complete. 

5. You can add or change the post order in the Post Order drop-down.  The post orders are linked to a checkpoint tag in the m-Post app and when the officer clicks the checkpoint while doing a Tour they can view the post orders while in the m-Post app.

6. The Position #  field is the order that the checkpoint will be displayed to the User. 

7. If the Tag is at a GPS Triggered checkpoint (no physical NFC or QR Code) toggle to the Yes option.  This allows you to set a Reading Perimeter in feet and add or edit the Tag Location.

To set a Tag Location:

1. Click the the Input Address field and type in the address (or an address nearby).   This will place a GPS pin as a flag icon inside a gray circle. 

2. Set a Reading Perimeter.

3. You can zoom in and out on the map to center your desired GPS view.   Click on the Map to reposition  the GPS pin flag icon and re-position it.  

4. Click Add

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