This article will review the All Activities feature and its effect on the Automatic Reporting function.
How to Set All Activities
To access and set the All Activities feature:
1. Log onto the Guardtek web portal as a Supervisor.
2. Hover over the Report Tool module and click the All Activates option.
1. Period: From to - Clicking the drop-down menu will give you the option to select a time period for the report that covers the following:
2. Site(s) - You can click the Select All checkbox, Click the empty field, type in a site, and click the green Go button to jump to a specific site or click on the + box icon to set up an automated report within a site hierarchy.
3. Activities - Click on the checkbox(es) of the Activities you want to include in a report when All Activities is selected.
4. Sorted by - Choose one of the following four options to sort by:
When sorting by Officer, Type, or Tour, additional drop-down sorting will be available:
Officer Type Tour
5. Show Results by - Click the drop-down menu to select the report time frame from the Day, Week, or Month options.