Understanding the All Activities Feature

This article will review the All Activities feature and its effect on the Automatic Reporting function.

How to Set All Activities

To access and set the All Activities feature:

1. Log onto the Guardtek web portal as a Supervisor.

2. Hover over the Report Tool module and click the All Activates option.

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1. Period: From to - Clicking the drop-down menu will give you the option to select a time period for the report that covers the following:


2. Site(s) - You can click the Select All checkbox, Click the empty field, type in a site, and click the green Go button to jump to a specific site or click on the + box icon to set up an automated report within a site hierarchy. 

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3. Activities -  Click on the checkbox(es) of the Activities you want to include in a report when All Activities is selected.

4. Sorted by -  Choose one of the following four options to sort by:

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When sorting by Officer, Type, or Tour, additional drop-down sorting will be available:

                        Officer                                    Type                                    Tour

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5. Show Results by -  Click the drop-down menu to select the report time frame from the Day, Week, or Month options.

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